View Full Version : integrated update "Cannot Open AVI"

2007-04-14, 14:35
hy! i just formatted windows and reinstalls everything...and now after installing spybot s&d 1.4 i tried to update it, it gets the whole list of update files but then when i tried to download ...it always giving me message "cannot open AVI" . what should i do ??? is it a bug???...i'm not using any proxy..connected directly...have any solution ?:sad:

md usa spybot fan
2007-04-14, 16:36
In the past this problem has been cause by the installation of Vista Transformation Pack. Please see the following thread:
Spybot, update error, Cannot open AVI
In particular this post by tactical64 (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=2145):
ps: Ignore the last two (2) posts in the above thread. They are unrelated to your problem.

2007-04-14, 19:19
yes i think soo, as the outlook is totaly changed but how i uninstall that pack..as it was integrated into the windows installation, as there is nothing like extra pack...which i can remove through add remove prog...or through any uninstall utility...so the problem still persists...do any one have any idea or any tool for removal of this vista package...? or anyother solution without removing the package...?

md usa spybot fan
2007-04-14, 20:17
This is not based on first hand experience, but allegedly there should be Vista Transformation Pack item in Add/Remove programs.

The original "Cannot open AVI" problem was reported by people using Vista Transformation Pack 2.0. If you can not remove the Vista Transformation Pack perhaps upgrading to a later version of Vista Transformation Pack would fix the error.


There is a support forum for Vista Transformation Pack here (note: Vista Transformation Pack 2.0 is no longer listed):
JCXP.net > Design / Customization > Desktop Customization > Windows X's Shrine > Vista Transformation Pack

2007-04-14, 21:39
yephyyy....it worked...i installed vista tranformation pack 6 and it worked perfectly...now i can successfuly update...thankksssss:bigthumb:

md usa spybot fan
2007-04-14, 22:11
I'm glad all is well and thanks for posting back. Now we can add upgrading to "Vista Transformation Pack 6" as a possible solution for people using the "Vista Transformation Pack" who get "Cannot open AVI".

md usa spybot fan