View Full Version : Internet disconnected after running spybot

2007-04-19, 10:31
Dear all,

Last week i updated and run my spybot, unfortunetely after restarting windows (which requested by spybot), my computer can not connect to the internet.

When i ping to my adsl modem ip address, it replies (not request time out), but the ip address is not normal (there are strange characters in front of the ip address). I can not connect to internet also using my dial up modem.

Everything is back to normal after i reinstall the operating system (windows xp).

Could any one give me some information about the cause of that problems, and how to solve it properly?

Thanks and best regards,

2007-05-12, 15:48
I only have a win98 but did experience a similar situation. In my case it was a form of dialer. Couldn't get rid of it but finnally did using a virus program (Dr. something) that happened to have that one dialer infection in its data base. The dialer I had also regenerated its self into differrent name variations to avoid detection.

I am no expert to help more, but maybe if you send the "strange" name ("there are strange characters in front of the ip address") to spybot, those folks might be able to help.
