View Full Version : cant connect to network

2007-04-24, 19:38
i have spybot s&d and used it a few days ago. since than i havnt been able to access the internet on our network. there are several computers on the network and they all work. i have done winsock resets, used HJT and Combofix. i tried another computer forum and it hasntr helped so far then i thought since the problem started after i used spybot why not try here. ive used it before and have had no problems before. thanks in advance for any help.
fyi its win xp home sp2 i can connect to the internet just cant go online and sometimes it will but to limited or no connectivity. whether or not its limited very few packets are sent and recieved. i did a diagnostic and came back with "not all base service provider entries could be found in the winsock catalog." i have a very strong signal to.

2007-04-25, 17:47

Please run Spybot-S&D and select "Spybot-S&D" --> "Immunize" in the navigation bar on the left. There you will find a drop down menu. Please select "Ask for blocking confirmation". If you want to visit a blocked website choose "Allow". Hope this solves the problem. If this doesn't work please untick the checkbox and hit "Undo" in the same section of Spybot-S&D. But Warning: now the bad downloads won't be blocked any longer! Maybe you have to restart your computer now. Then try again to open your favourite pages. Don't forget to "immunize" again after visiting that page.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-04-27, 15:40
well there are two issues with that..one being i cant get to any website cause my computer "connects" but i cant look at anyweb pages...2. and this is the bad one...i cant uncheck anything cause spybot s&d is no longer on my computer... im kinda up a creek w/o a paddle right now:sad: