View Full Version : very bad spycar test results

2007-05-08, 16:26
ı have made the spycar test on my computer with all protection services running in spybot ( teatimer etc...) and this is the result
Spycar Scoring
HKCU_Run : Spycar change blocked
HKCU_RunOnce : Spycar change blocked
HKCU_RunOnceEx : Spycar change allowed
HKLM_Run : Spycar change blocked
HKLM_RunOnce : Spycar change blocked
HKLM_RunOnceEx : Spycar change allowed
IE-HomePageLock : Spycar change allowed
IE-KillAdvancedTab : Spycar change allowed
IE-KillConnectionsTab : Spycar change allowed
IE-KillContentTab : Spycar change allowed
IE-KillGeneralTab : Spycar change allowed
IE-KillPrivacyTab : Spycar change allowed
IE-KillProgramsTab : Spycar change allowed
IE-KillSecurityTab : Spycar change allowed
IE-SetHomePage : Spycar change blocked
IE-SetSearchPage : Spycar change blocked
AlterHostsFile : Spycar test not performed

well I was schocked with these results :thud: . ı wasnt expecting a bad score like this :sad: . why didint spybot protect me from these changes and will it protect me when 1.5 released? :sad:

2007-05-08, 16:36
ı have made the spycar test on my computer

The spycar test?

If Spybot-S&D does not detect an item:

Please zip or rar the file/s and send them to:

detections(AT)spybot.info (Replace AT with @)

Best regards.

md usa spybot fan
2007-05-08, 16:44

2007-05-08, 16:47
these are not items that can be sent. ı mean they are not downloaded on the computer. you click a link and it makes a test. for example ı clicked a link and it tried to change my home page but spybot didnt let it. but ı clicked another link it tried to lockout users from changing the default home page in IE but spybot didnt give a message, it didnt protect. here is the site http://www.spycar.org/Spycar.html
please try the test tashi. NOTE: the site is a safe site with no spywares

2007-05-08, 17:18
have you done the test tashi. what do you think about it? why doesn't spybot protect these kinds of attacks?

2007-05-08, 17:41
Hi there.

No I haven't tried the tests, but I will give it a whirl on my testing machine. :)

2007-05-08, 17:53
BTW, have you seen: http://sunbeltblog.blogspot.com/2006/08/consumer-reports-testing-scandal-its_25.html

2007-05-09, 09:30
hi, ı have read the whole article. it says that this is a test to see how well my antispyware's real time protection is. spybot blocked 6 out of 17. so do you think that ı need another antispy program onacces (spybot on demand) ? or is only spybot enough for real time protection. if it is enough why didnt it block all the tests in spycar?

2007-05-09, 15:48
if it is enough why didnt it block all the tests in spycar?
Hi there.

I have no idea of your setup, or the security programs you have installed.

There are too many variables for me to try to give you a one size fits all answer.

If you feel you need to add another ASW program for peace of mind, go for it. ;)


So how did I get infected in the first place? ( http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=279 )

2007-05-09, 17:12
[QUOTE=tashi;84712]Hi there.

I have no idea of your setup, or the security programs you have installed.

There are too many variables for me to try to give you a one size fits all answer.

If you feel you need to add another ASW program for peace of mind, go for it. ;)


the truth is that ı dont want any other asw programs. ı love spyot and ı have been using it for 3 years. ı just want to know why didint spybot pass all the tests in the spycar test? i really trust spybot and ı advise it to everyone but it made me vers sad when i saw it unsuccesful in the tests. :sad:

2007-05-10, 07:36
Spycar has been discussed before and I believe the discussion exposed that a behavior based protection product would be requred in this case.

From my standpoint, I thinks the tests are pointless, since to perform them you must accept a (potentially rogue) executable file and allow it to run on your PC. If you would really do that, I don't see how you could really be protected since you invited the code into your system.

Of course, if this code got past due to a new OS or other exploit, I suppose it would be nice to be informed, but I don't think the items that Spybot missed would be my real concern in this case. I'd probably be more concerned if the executable could disable my protection including TeaTimer and any real-time AV, since then it could do what it pleases.

The fallacy in this case is that the Spycar executables aren't on the list of Processes to be stopped by Teatimer, since they aren't really malware, so the entire test is based on an invalid situation.


2008-05-15, 21:02
Why don't you guys add those to your deffinition list... for the peace of our minds... :red:
I use this soft from its first days, and i recommended it to a lot of people...
It's a great piece of work, i think you're professionals, so it wil be professional of you to do that. :bigthumb: