View Full Version : download problem

2007-05-09, 16:34
I cannot get the definitions to download to the computer that I want to run spybot on. Can I download everything to another computer, put them on a cd and then run them on the computer that I am working on?

The reason I am working on my computer is that it will not download anything from the net. It will start a download and the freeze, thus making it imposible to download the s&d definitions.


2007-05-09, 16:40

Please download the update file on another computer, copy these to a CD and then install and run it on the other computer:
Update file: http://www.spybotupdates.com/updates/files/spybotsd_includes.exe

Best regards
Team Spybot

md usa spybot fan
2007-05-09, 16:46
To install and update Spyboty-S&D on a system without an internet connection:

Download the spybotsd14.exe installation program from one of the sites listed here:
Mirror selection - The home of Spybot-S&D!
The Tools.dll and advcheck.dll files have been modified. To update those two .dll files download the spybotsd_tools.exe and spybotsd_advcheck.exe files. They can be downloaded from the following Web page:
Downloads - The home of Spybot-S&D!
The items are:
Tools update 2007-01-12 - product description
md5: 0E4EDF1C77F4992736F4444C86A50BD3

Only needed if you do not use the integrated update.
Advanced check library update 2007-01-19 - product description
md5: 86591705A1D43E8F231364BC69B82D83

This is an update for a detection library. Only needed if you do not want to use the update function integrated into Spybot-S&D.
The manual updates for the detection rules are located on that same Web page and are updated weekly about the same time as the updates available through the integrated update facility are updated:
Downloads - The home of Spybot-S&D!
The item is:
Detection updates 2007-05-09 - product description
md5: C91908885D3A296239DBC70802415EA9

This updates the detection rules. Only needed if you do not want to use the update function integrated into Spybot-S&D.

The direct link for the detection updates is:

To install on a non-internet connected system:
Execute spybotsd14.exe to install Spybot-S&D.
Execute spybotsd_tools.exe to update the Tools.dll file.
Execute spybotsd_advcheck.exe to update the advcheck.dll file.
Execute the most resent copy of the spybotsd_includes.exe file.
Note: When you use the spybotsd_includes.exe file to update the detection rules going into Spybot > Help > About the "Latest detection update" date does not reflect the latest update date. However if you look at the Checks.yymmdd-hhmm.log and/or Fixes.yymmdd-hhmm.log files you will see that the most resent updates are being used. If you use the integrated update facility after updating using the spybotsd_includes.exe file to update the detection rules the same updates will be presented for download because the integrated update facility does not recognize updates done using the spybotsd_includes.exe file.