View Full Version : Immunize Problem

2007-05-25, 11:31

This week's updates/scan found 85 new items to immunize; however, for the very first time since I started using SpyBot (almost from its inception) the program hangs when I try to immunize the 85 new items. The only way out is ctrl-alt-del and end task.
Any ideas? Right now I'm in the process of deleting and reinstalling a fresh copy.


2007-05-25, 11:56

Perhaps you have tried to immunize with a different browser than the Internet Explorer?

We are sorry, but the Immunization does not work for Firefox or other browsers, it is only for the Internet Explorer. Specially ActiveX isn't supported by Firefox, so there is no need for protection there. Maybe in one of the coming versions there will be a bad download blocker for Firefox, but not at the moment.

Further some users e-mailed us that they have experienced compatibility problems with the Internet Explorer 7 and Spybot - Search & Destroy.
In detail, there were problems with freezing/not responding of our software and also problems with the SDhelper of Spybot - Search & Destroy that won't work correctly.
Currently, we are working on this issue and try to find out what the problem might be.
We hope that we will solve this problem very soon.
There will be a new SDHelper.
Please be patient.

Further, you will find more infos and other users' experiences regarding this point in our forum:

Best regard
Team Spybot

2007-05-26, 23:58
I should have done what I usually do...wait 24h.

I did and everything is working fine - immunized the remaining 85 'bad products' successfully.


2007-05-27, 00:03

Perhaps you have tried to immunize with a different browser than the Internet Explorer?

Best regard
Team Spybot

Thanks Sandra,

Excellent logic but no cigar. IE7 all the way from beta testing to release; however, it seems to have recovered.

2007-05-27, 00:04

Perhaps you have tried to immunize with a different browser than the Internet Explorer?

Best regard
Team Spybot

Thanks Sandra,

Excellent logic but no cigar. IE7 all the way from beta testing to release; however, it seems to have recovered.
