View Full Version : outlook html meesage creation very slow

2007-05-28, 10:20
Good morning,
Since some days now, creation of outlook messages in html format is killing me: keyboard typing is 'delayed' at the screen sometimes for more than 10 seconds. It used to work fine.
Environnement: XP SP2, IE7, NIS2007.
Browsing thru Microsoft forums gave me a possible 'clue', i.e. try to reset the IE7 settings (tools, internet options, advanced, reset) .... miracle of the technology: it worked, performance of outlook back to normal!
However, when running SPYBOT, the following occurred:

search for updates resulting in 'no newer updates available'
immunize resulting '15222 bad ... blocked; 3456 additional ... please immunize'
running the '+immunize' button resulting in '18678 bad products are now blocked'


Rerunning the reset of IE settings made the symptom desappear; rerunning SPYBOT procedure switched it back on again.
Very easy to reproduce, one just need to have an open HTML message being created.

Any clue from SPYBOT community?

Thanks for your help, have a good time.

md usa spybot fan
2007-05-28, 13:07
See the following thread:
Problems with Outlook and MS KB931768 when Immunization is on...