View Full Version : Torpig...help!

2007-05-30, 21:25

I'm new here, and totally at the end of my tether! Spybot detected Torpig on my computer and yet won't get it off... it tells me to reboot so that it can fix the problem, but when it reboots it tells me the same thing so its like a neverending cycle of rebooting, without any success. I've tried two other programs but they don't even detect the malware, I've done some research on this malware and I'm desperate to get it off.... in the end, if I just restore my computer from scratch (i.e reinstall windows, I guess) will that get rid of the problem, or will it remain? I don't know what to do! Help, please!

2007-05-31, 16:03
Welcome to Safer Networking, if you still need help and are not receiving it elsewhere, it appears you have missed some important instructions our administrator has posted at the top of the forum, especially this: "BEFORE you POST" (READ this Procedure before Requesting Assistance)
All advice given is taken at your own risk.
Please read and follow all instructions and post all required logs or reports, anything less will slow your process.
Use "Post Reply" to post the information in the instructions and stay in the same topic.

If this is Torpig as you suggest, you have major security issues, have a look at the Google:
I can not tell you more unless you comply with the directions. I can suggest that you look at this information for your own safety:
You're infected, one or more of the identified infections steal information. If this system is used for online banking or has credit card information on it, all passwords should be changed immediately by using a different computer (not the infected one!) to make the changes. Banking and credit card institutions, if any, should be notified of the possible security breech. I suggest that you read this article too.
How Do I Handle Possible Identify Theft, Internet Fraud and CC Fraud?
When Should I Format, How Should I Reinstall
