View Full Version : puter reboots halfway through sbybot scan??

2006-01-05, 01:30
Hi there....

I have been having a lot of trouble with my computer slowing down actually slowing way way way down i assume i have some serious spyware as i have run norton corp pro with the latest data and it finds nothing..

I have been trying to do a spybot scan, even in safe mode, and every time it gets about half way through the scan the computer restarts and thefor does not let the scan finish


any suggestions

thanx from a not so bright western canadian

2006-01-05, 12:48

This may be caused by the new detection rules for CWS.
They need more cpu calculations which slows it down a little bit.

If you are not using a very old system without enough storage it might also depend on how much programms you have on the run when the scan is on and how much they need for storage. It should help to close other programms while you are scanning.

It should help if you run the scan in safe mode. For more informations please have a look at this link:

Generally the type of problem you're having only occurs with Spybot S&D 1.4 if there is some sort of problem in the operating system, either registry or files. Unfortunately, there are a number of different possible causes, including the possibility that malware (virus, spyware, etc.) either currently exists on the system or did some damage in the past.

The best way to fix it might be a log. Please post this in our malware removal forum: http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22

If you can't complete a Spybot scan you just need to run an online AV and post a hjt log.

Please have also a look at this topic in our forum:

Best regards
Team Spybot