View Full Version : aol-updates.exe

2007-06-20, 16:33

I submitted new malware to Avira and it has been included in last nights update. I also sent a link to the Spybot group for a new dll/malware (bpenhance.dll) that spybot missed.

I could use some suggestions for the machine I'm trying to disinfect.

I've cleaned, virus scanned, HJT, combofixed, superantispywared, etc. Nothing is found on anything (and I scan ALL files).

I plug the network connection in... and 3 seconds later I have a three[1].exe and aol-updates.exe downloaded onto the system. No warning.

The windows firewall detects the connection to websites (I'll post them when I get home). I installed zonealarm to test to see if I could log what application was going out, and the software stopped downloading.

So- my question- what services get triggered and where else should I look to find out what application is being kicked off when the system senses a network connection.

I think this will be the last time I volunteer to fix my SIL's PC...
