View Full Version : Spybot S&D Errors

2007-06-21, 02:48

Ever since I downloaded updates the week before last I have been seeing a window pop up and warn me about some error. I'm including the error from the log down below. Is this expected? How do I go about fixing this?

C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Includes\TrojansC.sbi | Zlob.DNSChanger | (85\.255\.11[0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1,3}[.]?[\n]?)+

C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Includes\TrojansC.sbi | Zlob.DNSChanger | (85\.255\.11[0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1,3}[.]?[\n]?)+

C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Includes\TrojansC.sbi | Zlob.DNSChanger | (85\.255\.11[0-9]\.[1-2]?[0-9]{1,2}[,]?\s?)+(85\.255\.11[0-9]\.[1-2]?[0-9]{1,2}[,]?\s?)+

C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Includes\TrojansC.sbi | Zlob.DNSChanger | (85\.255\.11[0-9]\.[1-2]?[0-9]{1,2}[,]?\s?)+(85\.255\.11[0-9]\.[1-2]?[0-9]{1,2}[,]?\s?)+

md usa spybot fan
2007-06-21, 07:14
You need the TCP/IP plugin with the new rule set included in beta updates on 2007-06-06 and regular updates on 2007-06-13 or else you will get an error.

The TCP/IP settings plugin enables Spybot to use new rules which can detect IP addresses entered by malware and exchange them with non harmful entries.

To download and install the TCP/IP plugin you either have to:
Download the following update using the integrated update facility:
TCP/IP Settings plugin - !TCP/IP Settings plugin (65 KB) - 2007-06-06

--- or (if you do not use the integrated update facility) ---

Download and execute the following item from the Downloads (http://www.spybot.info/en/download/index.html) Web page:
TCP/IP Plugin 1.0 - product description - product description
md5: 7FD95B7E814EA2F56AEACE3613B4A0E9

This adds capabilities to find and replace malicious network settings. Only needed if you do not want to use the update function integrated into Spybot-S&D.

2007-06-21, 13:05
I cannot use the integrated because the network rules prohibit the connection. I knew I was missing something.

Thanks very much.

2007-06-22, 13:52
While I realize you use the date of the update in the file names of some of your updates, the TCP/IP update mentioned here does not. Would it be possible to include the date in the main page (without having to go to the description)? It would be helpful.