View Full Version : during bot-check spybot hangs

sir mike
2007-06-25, 01:04
was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with this problem. for about a week now spybot gets stuck on 67209/69808 Zlob.PPlayer.

i was wondering if anyone knew what to do so it can keep running.

thanks for the help

2007-06-26, 21:09
see here:

2007-06-27, 09:12
was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with this problem. for about a week now spybot gets stuck on 67209/69808 Zlob.PPlayer. ...<snip>

I'm running XP Home SP2 and aside from a few problems downloading updates a while back I've had no problems with SpyBot until last night when I experienced the exact problem you've posted here. This happened immediately after downloading the most recent updates (several weeks since last updating), which included the new tcp/ip plugin. I came here and noticed other people having similar problems so I did some experimenting.

The "67209" figure apparently represents the very last of the total number of bots/malware/trojans etc. that are scanned for if you have all those items selected in "Settings/File Sets". The "69808" represents that amount PLUS the number of scans performed if you also have "Usage Tracking" selected. I unchecked "Usage Tracking" and scanned again and Spybot hung at "67209/67209 Zlob.PPlayer". I then unchecked everything except the one block for "Trojans.sbi", which does not include Zlob.PPlayer, scanned again, and it hung at "13448/13448 Zwax".

This indicated to me that the problem wasn't a particular malware/trojan scan but rather the software was hanging between the point scanning was completed and the last step before issuing results. I made several futile attempts to "kick it loose" by disabling the "bad download blocker", removing Spybot's host file entries, turning off the Resident protections, etc., etc. I also tried a suggestion posted in another thread to download the TCP/IP plugin now listed on the homepage and re-install it. None of this helped.

Finally, as a last resort, I uninstalled the program, downloaded the Spybot install file from the homepage, and re-installed enabling all options as usual. At first run of the program I did not check for and download any updates but rather ran a preliminary scan again with only the "Trojans.sbi" box selected in "Settings/File Sets". This test completed successfully but I noticed on the status bar that the last thing it did after scanning for all the trojans and before issuing results was to scan my IE Favorites folder. I then re-enabled all tests, downloaded all updates, and did several scans, full and partial. No hangups as before, so problem solved.

Apparently, from my observations, something in one of the updates out in the last few weeks "breaks" the scanning sequence of SpyBot just at the point it switches from scanning for bugs to scanning bookmarked sites. Thats my theory anyway, and my report of what worked for me. Hopefully this info might help you or someone else fix this lockup problem a lot of people are having.