View Full Version : System Startup Message Problem

2007-07-10, 03:28
This message appears when I start up my computer and I don't know what to do.
System Startup Global Entry
Value Deleted
F:\Program Files\Real\Update (I can't read the rest)

Any suggestions?

Thanks :-)

2007-07-10, 04:15
You could try refreshing Teatimer's snapshot files,and see if that cures it.

The symptoms that you are you are describing may be because TeaTimer's snapshot files are out of sync with the registry. TeaTimer takes snapshots of Registry entries and compares these with the Registry at startup. Until these snapshots are updated you may get pop-ups (at startup) of changes you made in the past. In other words, TeaTimer attempts to return the Registry to the state it was in when the snapshots were taken.

I believe that the reason that snapshot files get out of sync with the registry is because when TeaTimer starts the snapshot files are read into memory and maintained there. The snapshot files only appear to be rewritten when TeaTimer closes. During system shutdown (or restart) it appears that TeaTimer is terminated before it has a chance to rewrite the snapshot files and therefore they are out of sync with the registry if changes have been made to the registry.

The solution to the problem is to refresh TeaTimer's snapshot files after making changes to the registry such as changing your home page, System Startup, etc. There are two ways to do this:

1. Refresh TeaTimer's snapshot files:
* Right click Spybot's TeaTimer System Tray Icon > click Exit Spybot-S&D Resident.
o TeaTimer closes.
o TeaTimer's snapshot files are refreshed at this time.
* Restart TeaTimer:
o Using Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy.
o Double click TeaTimer.exe to start it.
2. Manually exit TeaTimer immediately prior to system shutdown or restart.


2007-07-10, 08:49
Thanks, I think that has fixed it. I will see next time I start up.

2007-07-10, 10:09
You're welcome.Hope it fixed it. :)

2007-07-11, 10:59
No, it didn't fix it. Any more suggestions?

2007-07-12, 05:29
No,not really at the moment.But you could post part of your resident log,so I could look at the entry.To do that,you could rightclick Teatimer down in the notification area by your clock,select Show Log,highlight the last 20 or so things on there,then copy and paste them to here.