View Full Version : Problem with TROJANS.SBI file

2007-07-17, 17:00
I updated my S & D a few minutes ago then ran a scan. I have done this 2 times and in both scans I received a message that said, "there are problems with the TROJANS.SBI file." The TROJANS.SBI file that was downloaded to my PC is dated 7/3/07 at 6:38 AM and is 257 KB in size.

What's the problem here? I did a manual update and the same file was placed in my Includes folder and I get the same error message when I run a scan. I'm afraid that S & D isn't scanning for trojans.

Thanks For Any Help

md usa spybot fan
2007-07-17, 17:04
re: The following message:


There were problems in the include file C:\Program Files\Spybot – Search Destroy\Indudes\Trojans.sbi See 'Include errors.log' for details.
You need the TCP/IP plugin with the new rule set included in beta updates on 2007-06-06 and regular updates starting on 2007-06-13 or else you will get the above error.

The TCP/IP settings plugin enables Spybot to use new rules which can detect IP addresses entered by malware and exchange them with non harmful entries.

To download and install the TCP/IP plugin you either have to:
Download the following update using the integrated update facility:
TCP/IP Settings plugin - !TCP/IP Settings plugin (65 KB) - 2007-06-06

--- or (if you do not use the integrated update facility) ---

Download and execute the following item from the Downloads (http://www.spybot.info/en/download/index.html) Web page:
TCP/IP Plugin 1.0 - product description - product description
md5: 7FD95B7E814EA2F56AEACE3613B4A0E9

This adds capabilities to find and replace malicious network settings. Only needed if you do not want to use the update function integrated into Spybot-S&D.

2007-07-17, 19:47
Thanks - that explains the problem. Are you aware of any problems reported with the operation of the TCP/IP stack as a result of installing the plug-in on WIndows 2000?

md usa spybot fan
2007-07-17, 21:09
There are none that I am aware of, however I personally do not run Windows 2000.

Install the plugin and if you actually detect problems (the original detection was named Zlob.DNSChanger but there may be more now) that seem to point to your TCP/IP stack, certainally feel free to post a question concerning the actual detection that you are get before fixing it.

Peter Pan
2007-09-09, 12:23

having encountered the problem for a couple of months, I decided to search for a solution on the forums and I found the solution in a quiet easy way and in around ten minutes.

But I think of all these people who rely on Spybot-S&B to protect their PC and who maybe donate too ;) but who aren't aware of computing technologies.

They usually just download updates as I do and believe that Spybot-S&B download all what their PC needs for these downloads to be executed!

I really think that TCP/IP plug-in should be refered as a "must to be downloaded" software or should be included/associated to any download which needs this plug-in to be correctly run.

Best regards to all the team and Spybot-S&D users.

PS: sorry for my approximate English, I'm a French guy.