View Full Version : Teatimer Remembered Decisions

Frank C
2007-07-21, 18:56
My Teatimer keeps displaying remembered decisions.
I have carefully followed the instructions found at these threads:



Recently I removed the Adobe Photoshop Downloader from the Notification area of the task bar. Now I have another remembered decision that I can't remove.

The previous problem was Webroot Spysweeper also in the notification area.

Is there something unique about the notification area that requires a different procedure to get rid of the remembered decisions?
When I delete them I must then allow them at the next logon.

Frank C

md usa spybot fan
2007-07-21, 20:42
Frank C:

When I delete them I must then allow them at the next logon.
I don't understand why you must allow the entries you are try to remove. Can you explain?


Try the following:
Go into TeaTimer's "Black & White List" and delete any entries in "Allowed registry changes" and "Blocked registry changes" related to the startup entries you are having problems with (see TeaTimer's White & Black List below).
Delete the startup entries, "Allow" the changes in TeaTimer and do not use "Remember this decision".
Refresh TeaTimer's snapshot files.
If that does not work:
Please tell us what entries you are changing (removing) to eliminate notification area icons.
Please post the portion of the Resident.log that shows the changes you are having problems with (see Posting Resident.log information below).

TeaTimer's Black & White List.

If you checked "Remember this decision" on a change the information concerning that change it is stored in a file. TeaTimer uses that information to automatically "Allow" or "Deny" changes. To edit this information:Right click on the TeaTimer system tray icon and select Settings. This will bring up TeaTimer's "Black & White List". There are four (4) Buttons across the top of the "White & Black List":

Allowed processes
Blocked processes
Allowed registry changes
Blocked registry changes

Note: If you don't see all four buttons, try expanding the window to the right.

You can review all the entries that you have stored by clicking on these buttons. The entries that you should review are in "Allowed registry changes" and "Blocked registry changes". You can delete entries by clicking on the scripted black "X" to the right of the entry that you want to delete and then clicking the "OK" button when you're done. This will in effect make TeaTimer forget what you told it to remember so that during future changes to these items TeaTimer will issue a pop-up dialog rather then just a notification pop-up.

Posting Resident.log information.

There are actually three (3) ways to access the Resident.log file:
Right click on the TeaTimer (Spybot-SD Resident) system tray icon and select Show Log.
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Resident.
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the Resident.log file located in one of the following directories:
Windows 95 or 98:
C:\Windows\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
Windows ME:
C:\Windows\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
Windows NT, 2000 or XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
Double click on Resident.log file and it should open with Notepad.
To copy information from the log into the Clipboard:
Highlight the portion of the log that your want to copy.
Right click and select Copy.
Information from the Clipboard can be pasted (Ctrl+V) into a document or post.

Frank C
2007-07-21, 22:13
MD Spybot
Thanks for the reply. Your question:
"I don't understand why you must allow the entries you are try to remove. Can you explain?"
This is because once the remember decision for Spysweeper is deleted Spysweeper asks me on the next reboot to allow or deny The install of the
Teatimer.exe Browser Helper Object. I respond allow and the Teatimer now asks to allow or deny the registry entry for Spysweeper. If I don't say Remember this decision it will ask on each reboot. If I do Remember the decision it will popup momentarily on reboot. I guess I may have to live with that.
Following your instructions, I did get rid of the Adobe PSE Downloader popup.
Should I still post the resident log?
Frank C

md usa spybot fan
2007-07-21, 23:48
I'm glad that you got "rid of the Adobe PSE Downloader popup". However the rest of your post confuses me.

Are you asking about a message from Spysweeper or a message TeaTimer or both? I also don't understand your reference to "… Teatimer.exe Browser Helper Object". Spybot's "Teatimer.exe" and Spybot's "Browser Helper Object" are totally unrelated except they are both resident facilities of Spybot.

I can't help you with questions regarding Webroot's Spysweeper since I do not nor have ever used the product. Therefore I don't if what you are attempting to do (which you have never detailed) is even possible or if there is some other element within Webroot's Spysweeper that automatically reapplies the startup entry that controls Webroot Spysweeper's system notification (system tray) area icon that you apparently are attempting to eliminate.

I suggest that you:
Take up your attempt to eliminate Webroot Spysweeper's icon from the system notification (system tray) area in a forum that supports Webroot's Spysweeper.

--- or ---

At least attempt to relate exactly you are doing and the messages that you are getting (in chronological order) when you attempt to eliminate the Webroot Spysweeper icon from the system notification (system tray) area.