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View Full Version : Nero phones home

2007-08-19, 12:43
The computer community became outraged when they discovered that Sony had incorporated into their music code to phone home. However noone has mentioned anything about Nero including code into their programs to do the same.
It will phone home on it's own to check the validity of the program running. If you have a firewall you can block it from reporting outbound otherwise in your startup programs you must check custom/selective and uncheck it. If unchecked it will take a substantial amount of time to open the progam to use as it attempts to phone home. :fear:
To validate this I borrowed a copy from a friend and installed it and went into startup and selected to boot normal, it in fact came back with a message that it was an invalid copy before the firewall message came up requesting to allow or block. So it appears that it is phoning home on boot up. How often it phones home I don't know but from appearances not only at bootup but also everytime the program is opened if not blocked by firewall.
I have since uninstalled and reinstalled my copy.
Can somebody with more programing knowledge provide a little more insite into this.

shelf life
2007-08-19, 18:43
Alot of software phones home for many reasons, If you poke around the options/preferences this feature can usually be turned off within the software or at least blocked in a decent firewall.
Unless you are referring to its
check the validity of the program running I know of another app that requires a internet connection when using to "check in" with a server to validate its license key. with all the cracks, i wouldnt be surprised if more software starts to head this way. Maybe thats what Nero is doing?

2007-08-19, 19:44
To validate this I borrowed a copy from a friend and installed it and went into startup and selected to boot normal, it in fact came back with a message that it was an invalid copy before the firewall message came up requesting to allow or block.
i wouldnt be surprised if more software starts to head this way. Maybe thats what Nero is doing?

Exactly, pirates cost everyone.