2007-08-28, 12:59
Good morning,
I'm a little bit angry because since last night Virtumonde is installed in my computer and I don't understand all the answers for how to uninstall this trojan. Too many computer language thatI don't understand.
So I come here to have a simple answer for uninstall it. It created a DLL file called ddcby.dll and maybe another. Ad only Spypot recognize it, and Ad aware say "no problem" and Mc Afee too (Mc Afee just only block the redirection on trojan sites.
I don't want to uninstall window, so please help me with simple language, not so complicated! And possibly in french if you could! It will be so cool ;)
Thanks for reading!
Bonjour à tous!
Je suis vraiment embêté car hier soir Virtumonde a infesté mon ordinateur, et franchement j'ai les boules. J'aimerais vraiment savoir comt faire pour le désinsinstaller, et en plus y'a que spybot qui le reconnait: Ad aware ne reconnait rien, et ac afee non pluse dernier bloque juste les fenetres de redirection de virtumonde.
Bref, aidez moi, avec un langage SIMPLE de préférence, car je n'y comprend strictement RIEN :D
Merci d'avance!
Good morning,
I'm a little bit angry because since last night Virtumonde is installed in my computer and I don't understand all the answers for how to uninstall this trojan. Too many computer language thatI don't understand.
So I come here to have a simple answer for uninstall it. It created a DLL file called ddcby.dll and maybe another. Ad only Spypot recognize it, and Ad aware say "no problem" and Mc Afee too (Mc Afee just only block the redirection on trojan sites.
I don't want to uninstall window, so please help me with simple language, not so complicated! And possibly in french if you could! It will be so cool ;)
Thanks for reading!
Bonjour à tous!
Je suis vraiment embêté car hier soir Virtumonde a infesté mon ordinateur, et franchement j'ai les boules. J'aimerais vraiment savoir comt faire pour le désinsinstaller, et en plus y'a que spybot qui le reconnait: Ad aware ne reconnait rien, et ac afee non pluse dernier bloque juste les fenetres de redirection de virtumonde.
Bref, aidez moi, avec un langage SIMPLE de préférence, car je n'y comprend strictement RIEN :D
Merci d'avance!