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View Full Version : Cannot setup anything (include spybot) nor running any file.exe

2007-09-04, 17:01
<filename.exe> is not a valid Win32 application
or <null> is not a valid Win32 application

I though my computer was infect by a hijack but there is something not right, I try to download HijackThis and then can't even run it.
The same thing happen when I try another spyware scan program.
I can't repair nor reinstall WinXP on my computer.
And one more thing strange is that, for example: I can't run microsoft word but word file can be opened....
I wonder if I've got a new spyware type
Anyone can help me get out of this problem?

2007-09-04, 17:19

So you are running Windows XP?
And did you tried to install Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.5 - the new version?

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-09-04, 18:37
yeah, I tried to download spybot
but I can't even install it due to the problem

2007-09-04, 18:53
ongtroixyz, have you tried running an on-line anti virus scan?

f-secure (http://support.f-secure.com/enu/home/ols.shtml)
For the time being, the F-Secure Online Virus Scanner does not support Windows Vista.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher.
JavaScript needs to be enabled.
You need to have ActiveX enabled.

2007-09-04, 18:57
I've tried some online scan web
But Its still not get any better T_T
I will try the F-secure now, hope it help
Thx for ur time

2007-09-04, 19:03
That sounds a bit like the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command thing...
If other file types could still be opened, a fix.reg file might also be able to get opened.

Which Windows version exactly is this? (providing a .reg for repairing that key really should be checked against another installation of the same Win version)

2007-09-04, 19:35
My computer is running WindowXP.
About what u said, u mean it might be a problem with the key, right?
I'm not sure, and since I'm an idiot when it come to these thing, I don't know how to check it.
Would u please show me the way?

By the way, after try some online scan, there is a lot spywares be found (there might still be more), and I still can't run any file.exe T_T

2007-09-04, 21:06
By the way, after try some online scan, there is a lot spywares be found (there might still be more),
Please save the log from the scan and post it here: Malware Removal Forum (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22) :)

2007-09-04, 21:50
You could try the fix for .exe file associations

Click on E, scroll down to exe file association fix.

md usa spybot fan
2007-09-04, 22:04
If it is a file association problem with .exe files as Rosenfeld (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=56) indicated was a possibility and you are having difficulties executing .reg files, the note on the following Web page may help:
Windows® XP File Association Fixes

NOTE: If your EXE file associations are corrupted, it can be difficult to open REGEDIT, or to even import REG files. To work around this, press CTRL-ALT-DEL and open Task Manager. Once there, click File, then hold down the CTRL key and click New Task (Run). This will open a Command Prompt window. Enter REGEDIT.EXE and press Enter.
Thanks to Nigel Andrews for this tip.

2007-09-04, 22:53
Same file as from Kelly's Korner :-) Doug Knox states that for .exe fix his is also a reg file, but there is a tip to run it via task manager. Quote from the top of his page:

For the ZIP file fix, the download is a REG file, since ZIP's aren't working anyway!

NOTE: If your EXE file associations are corrupted, it can be difficult to open REGEDIT, or to even import REG files. To work around this, press CTRL-ALT-DEL and open Task Manager. Once there, click File, then hold down the CTRL key and click New Task (Run). This will open a Command Prompt window. Enter REGEDIT.EXE and press Enter.

2007-09-05, 07:05
thx for all ur help,
I will replay once I try them all

2007-09-14, 15:50
thx a lot everyone!
The problem got fixed now all thx to you :heart:
hope there's won't be a next time but in case that happen,
this forum is alway in my mind

2007-09-14, 17:07
Thank you for letting us know. :)