View Full Version : Problems with SpywareBlaster.

2007-09-05, 22:28
I have 2 problems, the immunisation for Opera Standard (cookies) isn't loading..................there is a workaround, open the Opera browser.........close it.............open Spybot again.............the first time of immunisation doesn't work out but the second time the immuninisation for Opera Standard (cookies) works.

Second problem SpywareBlaster is freezing on.... data Loading........ Mozilla Firefox.
After undo immnunisation in Spybot which took me 30 minutes, SpywareBlaster worked fine.
Immunise again and the problem is back.

I'm using firefox and windows ME.

And by the way congratulations Spybotteam with the new 1.5 you are doing a great job.........thanks. :bigthumb:

2007-09-06, 21:56
After undo immunisation in SpybotSearch & Destroy there are also unprotected items in SpywareBlaster.

After each immunisation the HOSTS file makes a new backup.

I hope someone can help me with these problems.

Thanks in advance.

2007-09-08, 15:41

Someone knows the answer on my questions.........?

md usa spybot fan
2007-09-08, 20:46
I sorry but I can't help you with any of the problems in your first query. I don't use Opera nor Firefox. I do use SpywareBlaster along with Spybot's immunization on a Windows XP Home system and have not experienced any problems enabling SpywareBlaster's protection while Spybot's immunization is in place nor doing Spybot's immunization process while SpywareBlaster's protection is enabled.

As far as your second post goes, I didn't think it was a query. You may two (2) statements of facts:

After undo immunisation in SpybotSearch & Destroy there are also unprotected items in SpywareBlaster.
True and the opposite is also true. If disable protection in SpywareBlaster some of Spybot's immunization is removed. This pinned (Sticky) thread contains a caution about that:
How Spybot-S&D protects against the installation of Spyware/Malware

The first level of protection is immunization (a passive protection). … Also Note: If you use Spybot S&D and other products like IE-SPYAD, SpywareBlaster, etc. together, there is an overlap of some of the protection offered. If you undo or disable the protection in one product, it may remove some of the protection installed by the other. You should re-immunize or re-enable the protection in the other products as appropriate.____________

After each immunisation the HOSTS file makes a new backup.
True (although technically the backup is actally made before the HOSTS file is changed). Note, if you go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode > Tools > Hosts File, you can restore any of those backups by select one in the Restore backup list.

2007-09-10, 15:55
Thanks md usa spybot fan for your information.

I'm using the MVPS HOSTS file together with the SpybotSearch&Destroy HOSTS file.........the "problem" is that in the past there wasn't a new backup after each immunization.............now you are getting a long list of backups.

I sorry but I can't help you with any of the problems in your first query. I don't use Opera nor Firefox. I do use SpywareBlaster along with Spybot's immunization on a Windows XP Home system and have not experienced any problems enabling SpywareBlaster's protection while Spybot's immunization is in place nor doing Spybot's immunization process while SpywareBlaster's protection is enabled.

Well I hope someone of the SpybotSearch&Destroy team is able to help me with that problem.

md usa spybot fan
2007-09-10, 18:35
I'm using the MVPS HOSTS file together with the SpybotSearch&Destroy HOSTS file.........the "problem" is that in the past there wasn't a new backup after each immunization.............now you are getting a long list of backups.
To the best of my knowledge Spybot has always taken backups before inserting or removing their HOSTS file entries.

2007-09-10, 20:31
:oops:Hallo md usa spybot fan, I think that you are right about that..............I never was aware of it untill now because I did manny Immunizations because of the other problems.
Normally I only immunize once after an update.

Still waiting for someone from the Spybot team for my Spywareblaster problem.:rolleyes:

2007-09-10, 22:40
I have the same problem with SpywareBlaster and mozilla/firefox protection, but it isn't really freezing. It's just taking long (10+ secs) to fininish.
Forever make sure you left SpywareBlaster for as long as it needs and it will finish at least for me it does, but this is really a problem with 1.5 version of Spybot and SpywareBlaster.

2007-09-13, 00:40
Hi dimchopicha2003...........so I'm not the only one with this problem..........well I give Spywareblaster as long as it needs and the result is that it is freezing.
The todays updates didn't solve the problem either.
After the todays update it takes 30-45 seconds before I see the little screen that Sybot is loading...............strange things are happening :red:

2007-09-13, 07:26
I am also having the same problem today with SpybotS&D 1.5. AND SpywareBlaster on my winme. I have NO problems on my XP.

I uninstalled both programs and installed them again - the same "drama" ..... well at least I know I am NOT the "only one" :yes:

2007-09-13, 21:25
Hallo Marianna,

Yes it's a "drama" md usa spybot fan couldn't answer my question about the Spybot/Spywareblaster problem.

After the last update Spybot is opening very slow it takes 30-45 seconds before I see the little screen that Spybot is loading and the next problem is that Spybot is freezing when I try to remove the HOST file.

On other forums ther are also people with the Spybot/Spywareblaster problem on Windows ME.

So the only thing we can do is hope that someone from the Spybot team will read and answer those questions.

2007-09-13, 22:15
Hallo Forever,

Regarding SpywareBlaster - I just posted in the Javacool forum at Wilders.

I had uninstalled SpywareBlaster AND SpybotS&D - and deleted everything I could find in the registry.

I just downloaded ONLY SpywareBlaster and installed it again. I did NOT enable anything until I had ALL updates. SpywareBlaster is "freezing" as soon as it tries to enable Firefox. I NEVER had this problem before.

Maybe Javacool has a "trick" ?

2007-09-13, 22:27
In my last post I wrote.........Yes it's a "drama" md usa spybot fan couldn't answer my question about the Spybot/Spywareblaster problem.

What I meant to say was that the problem was a drama...............not that md usa spybot fan couldn't answer the question ................I appreciate all the help people here on the forum can give me.

Yes Marianna....................maybe Javacool has a "trick" ;)

Next week I will have a new computer with Vista but my "old ME pc" will be online either ............just wondering if it's safe to install Spybot 1.5 on the Vista computer.

2007-09-13, 22:43
Hi Forever,

Yes, I understood what you meant :)

"Next week I will have a new computer with Vista but my "old ME pc" will be online either ............just wondering if it's safe to install Spybot 1.5 on the Vista computer. "

At the "front door" is mentioned:

Welcome to Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.5

We have to admit, it was delayed a few times, mostly because we always had some new feature we wanted to implement in mind, but now it's finally here: we're proud to announce the availability of Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.5. This new version features a lot of improved detection mechanisms (which in parts were already made available through the regular 1.4 updates in the past months), improved Operating System support (Windows Vista integration, restored support for Windows 95, more compatibility with Wine, support for bootable Windows CDs), improved browser support (e.g. for immunization) and much more - you can find an overview of noticable changes and some screenshots below.


Meaning, it should work..... be positive ;)

2007-09-13, 22:52
Thanks for the info Marianna and yes I will be positive ;)
These problems will be solved.
Just wondering if Vista doesn't have all the "problems"............because ME is supported too.

2007-09-13, 23:40
Hi Forever :)

You Are Very Welcome !

I had to google to see IF there are any problems with Vista.

Can't find "much", but have a look here:

Google search (http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=gFw&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=Spybot+S%26D+5.1+%2B+Vista+%2B+problems&spell=1)

2007-09-14, 03:02
The "problem" with SpywareBlaster's interaction with the new version of Spybot is something that Javacool is aware of and is going to be fixing in his next version, according to this thread at DSLR Security Forum:


said by Spybot Junkie :

BTW- I've noticed, since "Spybot: S&D 1.5"'s installation, SpywareBlaster's Firefox protection status seems to hang while loading Firefox's protection data.

This is caused by Spybot adding an inordinately large number of items to Firefox's hostperm.1 file.

The hang (which can take anywhere from a few seconds on up) will be fixed in the upcoming new version of SpywareBlaster (stay tuned!).

Best regards,


2007-09-14, 17:51
Thanks, Janie :)

I appreciate !

2007-09-14, 19:26
Hi Marianna,

You're quite welcome! :)

2007-09-14, 20:49
Thanks CalamityJane :bigthumb::flowers::)