View Full Version : Advertisement Robots

2007-09-06, 09:43
I uninstalled 1.4 and ran the tweak and then d/l and installed 1.5. I thought I left the box unchecked about advertising robots.
However, every time I start SB now, I get this message:
If you remove advertisement robots with this program, you may not be allowed to continue using thir programs. I checked the box that says, Don't show me this again, but it still comes up everytime.
How can I correct this problem or is it a bug?

2007-09-06, 12:24
"However, every time I start SB now, I get this message"

Should have said when message comes up not when starting SB.

Wanted to edit my earlier post but couldn't figure out how.

2007-09-11, 23:06
Isn't there somebody here who can answer my question?

md usa spybot fan
2007-09-12, 00:18
The indicator for the "Legal stuff" message is stored in Spybot's Configuration.ini file. It is possible that the Spybot's Configuration.ini file is not being stored if Spybot is still running when you shutdown or restart your system.

Try the following:
Start Spybot.
When you get the following dialog:

Legal stuff

If you remove advertisement robots with this program, you may not be
allowed to continue using their host programs. Read their license
agreements for further information.

□ Don't show this message again

Check: □ Don't show this message again.
Click "OK"
Then exit Spybot.
Restart Spybot and see if you still get the message.