View Full Version : NTVDM CPU error while installing 1.5.1 on Vista Ultimate

2007-09-19, 05:11
Hi all,

Long time user of all versions. Just uninstalled 1.4 few minutes ago and proceeded to install 1.5.1. It seems to be working fine but I got the following error during the installation. The error came up on a pop-up window will in the background a DOS-like black window was opened.
The message reads:

16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem (window’s title)
The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.
CS:11f0 IP:01dd OP:65 ff ff 20 68 Chose ‘Close; to terminate the application.

I first tried “Ignore” and then “Cancel”

Any ideas about the meaning will be highly appreciated.

