View Full Version : Choosing drive to scan

2007-09-24, 18:11
I've just downloaded v1.5 but can't see any way to choose the drive to scan. At the moment it thrashes my floppy before presumably scanning my C drive.
v1.4 did not go to my floppy at all.

If I can't control which drive is accessed how do I get it to scan my external drive?http://forums.spybot.info/images/smilies/sad.gif

2007-09-24, 18:13

There are different ways to search for spies.
Spybot - Search & Destroy takes the advantage to check for all existing drives. Antivirus solutions do this also by the way.
It is checking inactive installations and storing a list of really available drives to avoid unnecessary lookups at later points. The creating of such an overview is taking place right at the start of Spybot - Search & Destroy. At this moment Spybot makes a quick scan to proove if itself is modified by malware or some kind of baddie. So this can take quite a few seconds. Please be patient.

Spybot-S&D takes advantage of the fact that all spies have to anchor themselves at a few places over the system to get active. It starts to search at these places, following the information gathered there to catch the whole spy.

So it is not necessary to make your own scan on every drive. Spybot-S&D usually scans all internal harddisks automatically. But a general recommendation is that you store all incoming files (downloads) in a special folder, and that you set up this folder for a special installer scan. Please have a look at the "Directories" in the "Settings" when you run Spybot - Search & Destroy in "Advanced Mode". There you can add additional harddisks or folders.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2008-02-14, 17:48

But a general recommendation is that you store all incoming files (downloads) in a special folder, and that you set up this folder for a special installer scan. Please have a look at the "Directories" in the "Settings" when you run Spybot - Search & Destroy in "Advanced Mode". There you can add additional harddisks or folders.

Once a directory is included in the list of "Download directories," does Spybot automatically scan it when Spybot launches?

Or is there a separate command, switch, etc. to launch this "special installer scan"?

2012-03-06, 12:51
G'day all. New to forum. Have scanned through a number of places and this discussion is closest.

If this question has already been asked please re-direct me to appropriate discussion.

I understand Spybot scans all internal HDD's & partitions, etc.

I have a NAS attached externally via eSata for incremental back-ups, on an 'as needed' basis.

I was wondering how or if I can point Spybot to this drive for checking?

I've been using Spybot for years (and have a very high regard for the way it works), but I haven't had the need to check external drive(s) until recently.

Any suggestions would be welcomed.

Thanks in advance, Ian.

2012-03-08, 09:48

You can also use the command line parameter allhives.
Scans all windows installations on your system, even inactive ones.
Example: "C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SpybotSD.exe" /allhives

Best regards
Team Spybot

2012-03-09, 13:37

Thanks, Sandra. That was the info I was looking for.

I don't remember seeing so many command-line switches since DOS days!

I'll read up on those others that were in the link you provided.

Thanks again & regards,

2012-03-09, 13:43
Your're welcome. :)