View Full Version : Invalid Floating Point Operation

unknown nirk
2007-09-27, 13:16
I've downloaded Spyware S&D and saved the install file, but every time i try to install it, i click on the language i want, then a couple seconds after it says in a small window
"Invalid Floating Point Operation" or something.
What is this?


unknown nirk
2007-09-27, 14:48
Like, is it a corrupted file i downloaded? If so, what's the best mirror to use ?

md usa spybot fan
2007-09-27, 15:40
It is possible that the installation file was corrupt, but that would normally be detected during the installation. There is also a possibility that the problem is caused by that particular language file. If you indicated the version of Spybot you are attempting to install, the language you are attempting to use and the operating system you are running under, perhaps someone could see if the problem is reproducible.

unknown nirk
2007-09-27, 16:38
Spybot S & D v 1.5.1, i'm trying to install it with English, and i'm using Win XP

unknown nirk
2007-09-28, 14:36
And i've just tried with another load of the languages, and from different mirrors, but still not working.

Does anyone know a decent alternative to using Spybot S&D?

Also, could it be the PC i'm using? I had it before, like a month ago, but i accidentally deleted it. And it's nowhere in my program files or whatever, so i need to download it again.


md usa spybot fan
2007-09-28, 15:08
Did you uninstall Spybot 1.4 before installing Spybot 1.5?

To tell if the downloaded spybotsd15.exe installation file was received properly, see the following thread:
1.5 Setup file corrupt

2007-10-03, 07:57
I had similar experience w/ spybot and floating point exceptions on an infected machine. After several attempts I was able to successfully run spybot by disabling my connection to the network (removed wireless card). For what is worth here is my current state ... I rebooted, used spybot verify that the machine was clean, connected to the internet, got some strange behavior (eg dos command shell pop up & disappear), and experienced some browser hijacking on firefox (didn't run ie). After the reinfection, when I tried the spybot update I got a floating point exception followed by strange warning messages about a illegal update. I just now rebooted off the network and got 3 "Virtumonde". My best guess is that the floating point exceptions are some how due to an infection(s). BTW there is a similar post here (http://forums.spywareinfo.com/index.php?showtopic=106249)

2007-10-04, 06:03
Exactly the same problem here. :sad:

Each time I click on "Search for updates" I've got the folwing message: "Invalid Floating Point Operation" and I have to close the program.

The only way to reach it is the start menu (Update spybot).

Like max540, Spybot found 3 "Virtumonde" spywares and delete them but it doesn't change anything.

I guess it's a virus but I've tried a lot of solutions (VirtumundoBeGone, VundoFix, Combofix, Clean... etc.) without success.

Please help! :red:

2007-10-04, 08:39
I'm having the same problem and it started when my machine was infected by a drive by download of Commend Adware. Does anyone know how to remove Command AKA cmd.exe? you can't remove it from the add/ remove page and it seems to have blocked my ability to open spybot.

2007-10-04, 10:28
The executable at this point has been created by InnoSetup, a widely spread setup engine, so this problem is somewhere part of InnoSetup, not yet of our own code.

I think there are two things to try out there:
the MSI installer (http://forums.spybot.info/showpost.php?p=121933&postcount=10), using Microsofts Installation engine to install Spybot-S&D. Since that's a completely different installation environment, the problem shouldn't appear there.
A second thing would be that InnoSetup 5.2 is out now (the Spybot installer was created with a 5.1 version). I can create a new Spybot installer using this new version of the installer engine, hoping that this problem no longer occurs with that version. Going to create a new installer over the weekend anyway for all the beta stuff ;)

As far the error occuring when trying to update (to2012... even though you write about "exactly" the same problem there, it's a completely different executable affected!), that affects one of our own executables. If it runs from the start menu though, that lets me wonder whether you've got a 64 bit Windows version? Just because usually, the way it is started should be the same, but on 64 bit Windows, it's different whether started from the start menu (64 bit) or any 32 bit application. This shouldn't cause any problems, but if malware has infected one of these two ways...

2007-10-04, 11:58
Thanks a lot PepiMK for your quick answer.

Well so I use Windows Xp 32 bits and I confirm that I can access to the update page by the start menu (the screen with the options "display beta updates" and "display updates to all langages").

BUT: at the end of the update, I've got a message (from Spybot I think) who says that a mallicious code has been introduced in the update.

I will try your two things this afternoon but I have to go now.

Anyway, thanks again for your support! ;)

2007-10-04, 18:54
Well I've uninstalled the previous version and reinstall with the MSI installer but it's strictly the same:

"Invalid Floating Point Operation" when clicking on the "search for update" button and here is what happens if I try to download the updates by the start menu:


2007-10-04, 19:41
first, thanks PepiMK for looking into this!

to2012... even though you write about "exactly" the same problem there Although seems pretty similar, the "Invalid Floating Point" error on update launch from spybot is, for me, not always fatal. However, it always leads to a suspicious end. E.g., like to2012's "... inject malicious code ...", or a flood of IE popups (even though I'm running firefox). BTW, I'm running Win2K, perhaps this explains subtle differences in symptoms.

2007-10-05, 00:00
Ok all seems to work now.

For those with the same problem, here is the solution (in french) :


Thanks for your help!

2007-10-05, 06:27
... here is the solution (in french) ...Merci de l'indicateur. Puisque je ne sais pas lire des Français, ceci être un bon essai de la technologie de traduction de google. Je lui donnerai un essai ce week-end. De nouveau, merci ...

2007-10-06, 02:00
Just few words about Google translations.:

They can't be called translations (a translator speaking:D:)

So don't rely on them too much. I had a look at the text.

Too much for a machine or a software.

2007-10-08, 18:33
I'm having this "Invalid Floating Point Operation" problem.

But I've tried many times to download ad aware or any type of spyware detecting program. At first the computer wouldn't even do anything at all. But I just downloaded firefox and it runs a million times faster. And that is the weird part. I could download firefox but anything that has to do with getting the spyware off the computer as soon as it is completely downloaded I get the same error message. I'm really confused and I've went from forum to forum trying to read about what the problem was and this is the only one that seemed helpful. So Please help before I cut my head off in frustration.

And Hi I'm new.

2007-10-10, 05:47
... Too much for a machine or a software ...I took a look and I concur. I think I'll punt and reinstall the OS. :sad:

unknown nirk
2007-10-15, 15:18
I'm having this "Invalid Floating Point Operation" problem.

But I've tried many times to download ad aware or any type of spyware detecting program. At first the computer wouldn't even do anything at all. But I just downloaded firefox and it runs a million times faster. And that is the weird part. I could download firefox but anything that has to do with getting the spyware off the computer as soon as it is completely downloaded I get the same error message. I'm really confused and I've went from forum to forum trying to read about what the problem was and this is the only one that seemed helpful. So Please help before I cut my head off in frustration.

Ad Aware is ****!!

The only thing you can do with that is download it, and find out how many problems there are with your computer, but it doesn't let you delete or fix those problems without buying a registration code, and even if you do buy a registration code, or whichever it asks for, it won't be correct anyway.

And you can't find a working one on the internet anywhere. God knows how many sites i searched through trying to find one, i found like, 12 or something, and none of them worked.

But it also makes your PC run as slow as a sack of potatoes.


2008-04-18, 19:58
I get the invalid floating point error when trying to run Spybot.
I get the invalid floating point error when trying to reinstall Spybot.
I cannot remove Spybot through control panel, or with the Spybot uninstaller.

I could not read the removal instructions posted above in French.

I cannot run other programs. This all occurred after updating to v1.5, running, and removing some Russian Adaware program.

I cannot boot into safe mode either. My system is slower than heck.


2008-04-21, 12:19

We recommend a fresh install of Spybot - Search & Destroy.

Please uninstall Spybot - Search & Destroy according to the following link:
Then make a fresh install of Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.5.2.
You will find links to several download locations on our website:

You will also have to update your new version using the integrated updater.
This should solve the problem.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2008-12-28, 06:13
i am getting the invalid floating point operation when the cursor is placed inside the spybot s&d window. i am also unable to update as whenever i place the cursor in the update window it says it must shutdown.

i am able to start s&d and scan my system using the keyboard but have been unable to figure out anyway to "fix selected problems" or update by using only keyboard shortcuts. i have tried uninstalling and reinstalling s&d a few times tonite as well.

here are the problems i find when i scan my system:
Fraud.XPAntivirus - 5 issues - Malware
Microsoft.Windows.ActiveDesktop - 1 issue - Security
Microsoft.Windows.Explorer - 1 issue - Security
Right Media - 1 issue - Browser
Smitfraud-C. - 5 issues - Malware
Win32.Winlagons.co - 1 issue - Trojan

There is also a warning that has been installed as my system background...it says:

"WARNING - Dangerous Spyware - Many viruses were found on your computer such as : Trojan Horse, PassCapture, etc. Your personal information can fall into in the "third hands". - Please check up the computer with special software. Thank

Assuming this is part of the virus as the english is terrible and virus definition is so broad. Also a permanent link to real-av.org has been installed on the lower right toolbar.

Any help would be appreciated!


2008-12-28, 06:46
Consider posting in the Malware Removal (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22) forum and having someone take a look at your system.

If you decide to have an experienced malware removal specialist assist you, please follow the procedure in this link to run scans and produce a HijackThis log: "BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance) ( http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288).
After you have completed the required scans and produced the requested logs, start your own thread in the Malware Removal (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22) forum, making sure to post the HijackThis log produced from the above instructions.