View Full Version : Spybot s+d 1.5

2007-09-27, 23:45
I downloaded this twice now from the Safer Neworking Forum site. I have xp sp2 and download to the same folder when it says, " It already exisits do you want to d-load to the same folder?"
Each time I have to wait a full minute before Spybot appears in order to run a scan.
Is this a common issue to deal with?
Thank you

2007-09-28, 09:45

We already have located the startup problems in Spybot S&D version 1.5 and fixed it:
Here is the download file for the fix:
Please store the two containing files (spybotsd.exe and domains.sbs) in your Spybot folder.
Normally it is located here:
C:\Programme\Spybot - Search & Destroy

The spybotsd.exe belongs to this path:
C:\Programme\Spybot - Search & Destroy
The domains.sbs belongs to this one:
C:\Programme\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Includes

If you are asked if you want to override this files enter yes - this will make the changes.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-09-28, 16:05
Hi Sandra
Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
I am not techy. Would it be possible for you to give me simple steps for installing 1.5 with the fix? I don't know about folders etc. but I think I could follow 1,2,3....

md usa spybot fan
2007-09-28, 16:48

You are running Windows XP, is that correct?

To install the fix:
Exit SpybotSD (if you are running it).
Backup these files copying them to a known location (optional but suggested):
C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SpybotSD.exe
C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Includes\Domains.sbs
Download the following file:
SpybotSD.exe- (http://www.safer-networking.org/files/beta/SpybotSD.exe-
Unzip/extract (see Note#1) the downloaded file into a known location (if you took backups, do not unzip/extract the files to were your backups are).
Copy the unzip/extract files:
Copy SpybotSD.exe to:
C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy
Copy Domains.sbs to:
C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Includes
Start SpybotSD
Note #1: To unzip/extract the contents of a .zip folder in Windows XP:
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the .zip folder.
Right click on the folder and select "Extract All…".
Follow the Extraction Wizard dialog.

2007-09-28, 19:51
I am only an average user and the directions are going over my head.I think unless you can make things simpler you will lose a lot of loyal fans. I like spybot enough to reinstall it and put up with the slow start.
If any one at this forum could break things down for the 'average user' it would be greatly appreciated. If the above directions are as basic as you can do I fear others will also be leaving the program.
You need an easier fix as the work around is beyond the average user's ability.

md usa spybot fan
2007-09-28, 20:58

My sincere apologies. I attempted to provide step by step instructions that I personally thought "... the 'average user' ..." could follow. If you actually tried the instructions and got lost or confused at some point, please elaborate so that I can improve the instructions.

Please remember that forums, like this one, are a cooperative effort for the sharing and exchange of information and knowledge. As such, your feed back is important to improve the forum. However, with just a " …unless you can make things simpler you will lose a lot of loyal fans" rather than specifics about where the instructions were "… going over my head.", doesn't help me, you or help improve the quality of the answers in this forum.

Nicholas the Italian
2007-09-28, 22:00
If the above directions are as basic as you can do I fear others will also be leaving the program.

Premise: I'm not in Spybot team, by any mean.

Honestly, if you really find that step-by-step guide too hard to follow (did you actually try?), the only suggestion that can be given you is, please refer to someone who knows what directories and compressed files are.
Incidentally, that is not an official release or anything. It's just a stand-alone fix (moreover, a beta fix, if I'm not wrong).
You can wait for the next version of the program, which will include such fix, if you prefer.