View Full Version : Process List: "The path 'System' does not exist or is not a directory"

2007-10-05, 20:51
Help! In the Spybot (Advanced/Tools) Process List I have five suspicious items; when I right-click on each the “Show file in Explorer” results in a message window: “The path ‘System’ does not exist or is not a directory.” Before I “kill process” on these I would appreciate some advice.

Here are the five suspicious items – Process name, (PID/Parent/Threads) and Path (if any):
a- winlogon.exe (580/492/16) - \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\
b- csrss.exe (556/492/12) - \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\
c- smss.exe (492/4/3) - \SystemRoot\System32\
d- System (4/0/72) - (no path shown)
e- [System] (0/0/2) - (no path shown)

If these processes should be “killed”, does anyone know where they com from? In case they come back… Thanks!

PS- I see that winlogon.exe is “is a process belonging to the Windows login manager”, but as such it should be located in the folder C:\Windows\System32 (not \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\). Likewise for crss.exe (“the main executable for the Microsoft Client/Server Runtime Server Subsystem smss.exe (“the Windows Session Manager Subsystem responsible for handling sessions on your system”).

2007-10-05, 22:18
For these:
a- winlogon.exe (580/492/16) - \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\
b- csrss.exe (556/492/12) - \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\
Please see here:
Mainly this post:

For system,please see:

For this one:

c- smss.exe (492/4/3) - \SystemRoot\System32\
Please see:http://www.processlibrary.com/directory?files=smss.exe
Is it the path on this one that is bothering you?

As for e,I have no idea.But,I have it,and it has normally been in my process list in Spybot for years and years,so it shouldn't be a worry.Here's part of my process list,it has [System],too(I'll try looking it up later,if I get some more time):
PID: 0 ( 0) [System]
PID: 420 ( 0) \SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe
size: 50688
PID: 468 ( 0) \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\csrss.exe
size: 6144
PID: 500 ( 0) \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe
size: 502272
PID: 544 ( 0) C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe

2007-10-06, 00:07
Dear Zenobia,

Per you avatar, THANK YOU for your instant pouncing on the issues I presented and resolving my all of my concerns 100% - Wow! As you may have noticed, I joined forums.Spybot today and in less than a couple of hours you replied to my very first post.

FYI… I have been using Spybot for several years, but simply as one of many other protective tools against malware. My newfound interest in Spybot came as it was mentioned as a great tool in a fabulous pair of online computer security courses (“Intro to Computer Security” and “Advanced PC Security” - great content depth and dialog with a remarkable instructor.)

PS- For all the money I have spent on protective software, instead of continued procrastination I will now send my contribution to Spybot <grin>.

2007-10-06, 01:01
You're welcome. :)