View Full Version : Problems in include files, 'sbi'

2007-10-07, 21:53
Greetings from LeonSprings, Texas USofA,

I had two ERROR windows popup during my last two scans today. Rough quote from them is "Problems in the include file: trojans.sbi . . . see include errors.log" which I cannot find. The other is same message except "Hijackers.sbi . . . see include errors.log" again cannot find.

What is the meaning of these? If you need logs where might I find them? Etceteras.

md usa spybot fan
2007-10-07, 22:50
What version of Spybot are you running and how long has it been since you last updated before this last time?

2007-10-08, 01:19
md usa spybot fan,

As usual you HIT the nail on the head, and me. I had just started thinking about that problem and remembered when I was using Win98SE the version of S-S&D was v1.4 and what I have here was v1.3. Just finished with the latest, v1.5, install and downloaded the latest other files, too many to list.

This system I have now is XP HE SP-2 and I am now on AT&T / Yahoo! HiSpd connection so I have been updating as often as possible, about everyday or two and never received anything about the main program being out dated. Had not even checked the version because every other install on here is the latest version and just ran with it. As you can tell I did finally check and did an update or downloaded the latest and installed over the old copy. Looks a bit different with more features and more powerful. Looks great and is doing a fantastic job as it has always.

Wish I had the abilities to support some of you that are providing these GREAT programs. Being retired and on that FIXED income is a big handcrap for me. When I do get my feet back under me there will be more support from this location. That is not a promise, they are made to be broken, I give you my WORD on the fact one of these days POW!! You will get that support from me. Until then the best support I have is spread the WORD about how GREAT this program is and what it can do for us. Protect our systems.

Thank you for reading about my problem, lack of smarts, along with posting what you did,

2008-04-13, 00:14
Greetings from LeonSprings, Texas USofA,

I had two ERROR windows popup during my last two scans today. Rough quote from them is "Problems in the include file: trojans.sbi . . . see include errors.log" which I cannot find. The other is same message except "Hijackers.sbi . . . see include errors.log" again cannot find.

What is the meaning of these? If you need logs where might I find them? Etceteras.

Do not need to repeat because it is still the same, just ran a scan and had the same problem. Except this time SBS&D stopped responding for a short then finished finally, after about 10 min.

I have used the Lowest Priority through to the Time Critical settings and they all take about the same amount of time to run, except the TC setting will not allow any other action to take place even SBS&D runs very slow `til the scan starts then it is about the same as any other. That is from my POINT of view. With all of my other problems am not able to run this as often as I would like.

Thank you for reading my Posty Toaster,

md usa spybot fan
2008-04-13, 00:29

I'll ask you part of the same question I asked you six months ago:

What version of Spybot are you running ... ?
If you are running Spybot 1.4 (Spybot » Help » About) and updates from 2008-04-09, upgrading to Spybot 1.5 appears to resolve the problem. See the posts starting with post #20 (http://forums.spybot.info/showpost.php?p=180865&postcount=20) in this thread:

2008-04-13, 00:34
I have and use the Belarc Advisor v7.2/w the latest updates from them as well as Microsoft's monthly FIXES.

BA is reporting on SBS&D versions as follows:
"Safer Networking Limited - Spybot - Search & Destroy Version 1, 5, 1, 14 *
Safer Networking Limited - SpyBot-S&D Version 1, 5, 0, 0 *"

My question is, "which is the true version?" They, BA, does not show any dates for the version numbers they report so do not know any more than that.

Thank you for reading my poster roasty,

2008-04-13, 00:41

I'll ask you part of the same question I asked you six months ago:

If you are running Spybot 1.4 (Spybot » Help » About) and updates from 2008-04-09, upgrading to Spybot 1.5 appears to resolve the problem. See the posts starting with post #20 (http://forums.spybot.info/showpost.php?p=180865&postcount=20) in this thread:

Excuse me, I keep forgetting to look into what is displayed as you requested, six months ago, (Spybot » Help » About). Have SBS&D coming up now as as soon as it is up will answer that question. In my previous post here about Belarc Advisor, there report gives v1.5.1.14 and v1.5 so will have that answer shortly.

Now for you to figure which one to use is up to you, Spybot Search & Destroy (Spybot » Help » About) reports v1.5.1.15. You can choose anyone of those three you would like.

I apologize for this brain F__t and missing that report for you,

Just attempted to update my SBS&D/w report of No Updates available you have the latest version. Will I have to go to the BETA versions, I am not that savy with these systems to be a tester for you.

md usa spybot fan
2008-04-13, 01:38

Try downloading and installing the current version of Spybot which is Spybot 1.5.2 (actually Spybot when displayed using Spybot » Help » About).

To that, download and execute the installation program spybotsd152.exe from one of the mirror sites listed here:
Mirror selection - The home of Spybot-S&D!

2008-04-13, 05:06
"md usa spybot fan,"

Excuse me for not providing that info sooner, just had other problems to chase and am a Journeyman Electronics Technician not a software person. Have NOT any other to turn-to for any assistance with software problems, have done all of my learning from the 'School-of-Hard-Knocks' and much reading, being a slow reader and slow learner is not any HELP either. Enough on with this problem.

Removed v1.5 and installed v1.5.2.20 if there is any other info you desire then ask and tell me where to find. It will be provided.

The following was created as progress was being made:

> You are thinking, "I am confussed . . now what am I to do with this one?"

> Now I am thinking, "I am confussed . . now what am I to do with this mess?"

> OK ! now allow me to explain why I am so confussed, first that report by BA was correct
> and when I attempted to remove the v1.5 of SBS&D there were two different versions
> listed in Add/Remove Software in CP, the other was v1.5.2 which did not exist on my
> system. I did get the v1.5 removed, left the v1.5.2 in the CP/Add/Remove area. I had
> NOT downloaded that v1.5.2 until today just a short time ago, about 2 hours now.
> Downloaded the latest version 1.5.2 and installed same and am presently downloading the
> latest UpDates including the English HELP and Descriptions for my system.

> There were 15 files downloaded, including Anti-Rootkit plugin #'s 1 thru 3; Detection rules: > Dialers, Keyloggers, Malware, PUPS, Security, Spybots, Trojans, & Update; English Help and > Immunization database.

> Scan count total 120,085 with 60,0042 approximately halfway through, started at 18:47/w > halfway through count at 19:16, approx. half hour for halfway, now will it be an hour for
> full completion? We will see!!

> Completed above scan at 20:36 of 4/12/2008, a little more than an hour(?) more like an
> hour and 45 min.

> Now some additional information for you, with the last version 1.5 and the latest update
> from 4/9/2008 the total list was 122,776 items to scan for, now it is only 120,085 items.
> Not sure what that difference is about, usually when updates occurre they go up and not
> down.

Thank you for reading this post toaster,

md usa spybot fan
2008-04-13, 06:54

Is the include file error gone?

After the 2008-04-09 updates 120085 is the correct scan count without usage tracks and 122776 is the correct scan count with usage tracks. If you want to scan for usage tracks, go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Settings > File Sets and check the last two items:
Usage Tracking
Tracks uti

2008-04-13, 21:13
I have exactly the same problem with 1.4 and XP Home/SP2. I found the Include error.log (not easy) and it says:
c:\Program files\spybot sd\includes\TrojanC.sbi l Zlob.DNSChanger.rtk l <$file_exe>

I assume that this is an FP resulting from the last update.

md usa spybot fan
2008-04-13, 21:49

I assume that this is an FP resulting from the last update.
They are not false positives. They are errors caused by new detection rules that are incompatable with Spybot 1.4.

These new detection rules use the new Anti-Rootkit plugins #1, #2 and #3 that only have been offered as updates to Spybot 1.5.2.

If you upgrade to Spybot 1.5.2 you will no longer get the errors and in addition will be performing rootkit searches while doing a Spybot "Check for problems".

2008-04-13, 22:29
Thanks for your prompt response. I will upgrade.

2008-04-14, 00:00
md usa spybot fan:

I use Spybot S & D v1.4 and I've received the same warning message as reported by others: "There were problems in the include file C:/program files/spybot.search_destroy/includes/trojansC.sbi". I've downloaded version Your uninstall instructions from a previous post (4/12/08) mention also downloading "this very small fix" or "remove-spybotsd-settings.reg" to remove any registry entries left. I'm unclear as to how this works. It looks like just a half page listing of registry entries. What do I do with them and how?

md usa spybot fan
2008-04-14, 00:45

I'm sorry I couldn't find a related posting of mine on 2008-04-08, however I found this on 2008-04-11. Is this the thread ( http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=26635) and the post (http://forums.spybot.info/showpost.php?p=181186&postcount=10) you are referring to?
Probem after d/l'ing updates today (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=26635) post #10 (http://forums.spybot.info/showpost.php?p=181186&postcount=10)
If so, I though the instructions as to what to do were relatively explicated.

If you want to make sure that all the registry entries that Spybot-S&D added during installation are removed, there is a .reg file available on the safer-networking.org WEB site that can do that (I recommend that you do this since some registry entries that were used in Soybot 1.4 are no longer used in Spybot 1.5). See the following article:
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How to uninstall?
The direct download link is:
this very small fix (http://www.safer-networking.org/files/remove-spybotsd-settings.reg)
--- or ---
remove-spybotsd-settings.reg (http://www.safer-networking.org/files/remove-spybotsd-settings.reg)
Download the file.
Double click on it
Answer Yes then OK

2008-04-14, 01:20

Is the include file error gone?

After the 2008-04-09 updates 120085 is the correct scan count without usage tracks and 122776 is the correct scan count with usage tracks. If you want to scan for usage tracks, go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Settings > File Sets and check the last two items:
Usage Tracking
Tracks uti

Thank you for the clearing up of the difference in total scan items. Thought that was checked and did not bother to investigate.

When I ran SBS&D yesterday that Include error did not show but had RED Microsoft alert on some Registry entries that were supposed to be there. They were some locks I had placed in there to prevent any changes to my DeskTop.

Do not understand why the v1.5.2.20 did not download and install on my system when the update was run. It was shown as having been installed but was not there, any where, there was not even a zipped file for installation nor any exe either. Not until I did the download yesterday and removed the old version then installed the new. As soon as this has been posted I plan on running the scan again to verify the Includes errror has gone away. Will post my results as soon as the scan is complete, later.

Again, would like to apologize for this problem of not getting the message to you sooner to clear the missed message. I did not nor do I remember receiving a notice of your post six months ago, I may have just missed it or did not receive it. Did have some problems with my ISP sending some of my e-mail to a 'bulk' folder and I may have just missed it. That problem has been changed and all mail is landing in my mail box, so far. I am aware of that problem and watch for any miss-labeling of messages by them.

Do not have the time nor space to give a full explanation of all the problems that have run through my system and my household in the last six months.

Thank you for helping and for reading my roaster poster,

2008-04-14, 05:03
For a change from ME! that terrible 'Include file Error' is no longer present, very conspicuously missing.

The last report after my usual scan is,

No immediate threats were found."
[Nothing shown below that entry. This is my entry.]

I also presume the RootKit scan took place automatically with the scan. I have other RootKit scanning software that is run maybe once a week, one is from System Internals that is now a part of Microsoft.

This will be my last message, unless you have further questions.

I await your answer, thank you for the assistance and your patients plus for reading my jumbled questions and answers. You seem to do a very good job of extracting the information I need and guiding me in the correct direction.

2008-04-15, 01:09
The uninstall instructions from the safer-networking.org site appear straightforward. My question refers to the following lines:

# The direct download link is:
this very small fix
--- or ---
# Download the file.
# Double click on it
# Answer Yes then OK

I was looking for a file with an ".exe" extension somewhere but apparently you are saying a ".reg" will work also. Is this correct? Is this some sort of "batch" file?

Also, would a third party registry cleaner (like "Tune-up Utilitites") work as well?

2008-04-15, 01:45
The uninstall instructions from the safer-networking.org site appear straightforward. My question refers to the following lines:

# The direct download link is:
this very small fix
--- or ---
# Download the file.
# Double click on it
# Answer Yes then OK

I was looking for a file with an ".exe" extension somewhere but apparently you are saying a ".reg" will work also. Is this correct? Is this some sort of "batch" file?

Also, would a third party registry cleaner (like "Tune-up Utilitites") work as well?

Excuse me for jumping in here, but; from my experiences that, remove-spybotsd-settings.reg, is a file that gives instructions to a special registry editing abilities to correct errors, add data, remove data, et ceteras to the registry file. All that is needed is to download that file and then double click it and the action is completed.

Hope that HELPS, if not you may need to wait until tomorrow when they are back on line again. They are in Germany, different time zone.