View Full Version : TeaTimer.exe Error Messages while restarting

2007-10-08, 05:04
I had just downloaded and applied update modules from Microsoft Update, and I received the following messages while restarting.

(1) Access violation at address 0046C405 in module 'TeaTimer.exe'. Read of address 00000010.
(2) Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000.
(3) Access violation at address 74E50CC2. Read of address 00000010.
(4) Access violation at address 74E50CC2. Read of address 74E50CC2.

All of the above alert messages have a nameless button below every message i.e. No 'OK' or 'Cancel' in it. I'll state the sequence in which it occurred.

While Windows was shutting down, 2 windows appeared with message (1), one above the other. I click on the button in the window above, and message (2) appears. I have to click on the nameless button several times (I think about 10 times) before an empty message window with an 'OK' button appears.

Then I click on the other Message (1), and Message (3) appears. I click on the nameless button again for several times before Message (4) appears. After clicking on the button (again nameless) several times, another message that looked like Message (1) (I pressed enter on message (4) too many times I could only catch a glimpse of the last message. It IS similar as the phrase in Message (1).). After that no more messages appear, and my laptop restarted as normal.

I would like to ask if anyone, especially the Spybot Team, know of this situation. I apologise if I posted the same message, but I would appreciate if anyone send me a link of one of the error messages as listed above. I did a search earlier but I received nothing.

Just for your information, here's a bit of my laptop and some of the softwares installed.

Operating System: Windows XP
RAM: 1.49 GB

Softwares Installed:
Norton 360
Spyware Terminator
Ad-Aware SE Personal
Spybot Search and Destroy 1.5.1 (with TeaTimer)
NOTE: TeaTimer.exe module was edited with ResHacker
Spyware Blaster
AVG Anti-Rootkit
Diskeeper Lite (pre-installed)
Browsers: IE6, Avant, Mozilla Firefox

NOTE: You may think I'm a bit crazy on the first couple of softwares, but Norton 360 failed once in preventing a spyware infection. Now only Norton 360, Spyot's TeaTimer and Spyware Terminator are protecting my laptop.

Hope to receive replies soon.

md usa spybot fan
2007-10-08, 05:50
Spybot Search and Destroy 1.5.1 (with TeaTimer)
NOTE: TeaTimer.exe module was edited with ResHacker

Why was the TeaTimer.exe module edited with ResHacker?

2007-10-08, 07:26
There was a problem with TeaTimer.exe in the original size of the window, which blocks the 2 buttons that let one choose to allow or deny registry changes. This problem was recurred from the previous version of Spybot (1.4), and the matter was resolved in one of the sticky threads in this forum.

md usa spybot fan
2007-10-08, 08:02
You indicated that you were running "Spybot Search and Destroy 1.5.1 (with TeaTimer)" and applied a fix for "... a problem with TeaTimer.exe in the original size of the window ... from the previous version of Spybot (1.4) ...".

Sounds like that may have caused the problem.

2007-10-08, 10:09
But I did follow certain instructions to adjust the window of TeaTimer as the Spybot Team had posted before.

Perhaps so, or did it occur when I was installing Microsoft Windows updates.

md usa spybot fan
2007-10-08, 15:19
But I did follow certain instructions to adjust the window of TeaTimer as the Spybot Team had posted before.
There is nothing wrong with the window in TeaTimer.exe Version to adjust and you used instructions designed to correct a problem with TeaTimer.exe Version

Perhaps so, or did it occur when I was installing Microsoft Windows updates.
I really don't know for sure. There are thousands of people using Spybot 1.5 on Windows XP systems (myself included) who have not encountered the problem, so the first thing I suspect is that you altered the program.

2007-10-09, 00:55
and see what happens.