View Full Version : disable notify

alan smithee jr
2006-01-19, 19:00
Spybot automatically showed me a dialogue with two items:
-Windows Security Center AntiVirusDisableNotify
-Windows Security Center.FirewallDisableNotify

Do I really want these to be disabled?

see Attached screen clipping.

md usa spybot fan
2006-01-19, 19:33
If you go into Start > Control Panel > Security Center > Resources (on the left hand side of the window – expand if necessary) > click "Change the way Security Center alerts me". This brings up an "Alert Setting" window.

There are three possible alerts:
Alert me if my computer might be at risk because of my firewall settings
Automatic Updates
Alert me if my computer might be at risk because of my Automatic Updates settings
Virus Protection
Alert me if my computer might be at risk because of my virus protection software settings
I believe that you will find that the first and third items are unchecked. This is the cause of the following Spybot detections:

Windows Security Center.FirewallDisableNotify: Settings
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\FirewallDisableNotify!=dword:0

Windows Security Center.AntiVirusDisableNotify: Settings
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\AntiVirusDisableNotify!=dword:0
These alerts could have been turned off manually or by some security solution (such as McAfee Security Center or Norton Internet Security that turn off these alerts and handle alerts themselves) or by malware. Spybot-S&D is alerting that there is an abnormal setting in the Windows Security Center that requires your attention.

alan smithee jr
2006-01-19, 20:26
Thanks. You were correct, those two settings were unchecked. I have rechecked them.