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View Full Version : restore ppint

2006-01-19, 21:28
I tried the help but still need some help. If you have a problem and want to 'system restore', is this the same as xp's? If not can you briefly outline the steps especially regarding 'teatimer'?
Thank you

md usa spybot fan
2006-01-19, 22:31
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "system restore" and in what context you were using it. Can you explain?

There is no recovery/restore facility within TeaTimer itself. Changes made to the system Registry are permanent. You can not reverse any Registry change decisions ("Allow change" or "Deny change") that you make with TeaTimer through an automated process. You have to redo whatever you were doing so that the Registry change is done again (or manually edit the Registry).

If you are running on an XP system you can do a "System Restore" by doing a "Restore my computer to an earlier time" and then selecting a Checkpoint (restore point) prior to a failure. However doing that may undo other desirable changes that have taken place since the change that you want to reverse.

Please provide more details of the problem that you are trying to deal with.