View Full Version : Paint Shop Pro 7 & X

2006-01-20, 07:00
I had Paint Shop Pro 7 and Spybot always cleaned the usage files. Now I have upgraded to Paint Shop Pro X and Spybot does not clean the usage files. Is there something I need to do to get Spybot to clean Paint Shop Pro x usage files? :confused:

2006-01-21, 00:53
At present Spybot knows about the locations of PSP temporary files for versions 5 to 8. You can either wait until Spybot includes PSPX in its database, or in PSPX, File menu, preferences, file locations, Undo/Temporary files, change the path to the location where PSP 7 stored its temp files (you may need to create the folder first if you uninstalled PSP 7). That might fool spybot into thinking they are PSP 7 temp files :-).

By default PSPX stores its temp files at
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp\Corel Paint Shop Pro X Temp Files. If the folder 'Corel Paint Shop Pro X Temp Files' is deleted in your Temp folder (as might happen if you clean out your temp folder now and then), PSPX recreates it next time you open it. But if you specify some folder name it does not know about, I guess that it will probably not do so and you would need to make sure that folder was not deleted.

I can't remember where PSP 7 stored its temp files, but it would not have had Corel as part of the folder name, obviously.