View Full Version : Recurring Problem Every Time I Scan

2007-10-17, 07:42
Every time I run Spybot S&D, the same problem comes up every time. Even though I fix it, the next time I run Spybot, the same problem is back. The only problem that comes up is this:

Microsoft Windows Security Center_disabled.

I think this has something to do with the registry, but I wonder why this problem is never fixed once and for all, but shows up every time I run a scan?

2007-10-17, 08:43
Please have a look here:

Also,after the scan,if you click on Microsoft.WindowsSecurityCenter_disabled,then click the area to the right with the arrows on it,Spybot should give you this description:

Product: Microsoft.WindowsSecurityCenter_disabled
Threat: Security

if the Windows Security Center is disabled this entry will be shown

Malware can disable the Windows Security Center to make your System more vulnerable.

If you have other security software suit installed, this may also deactivate the Windows Security Center to avoid double warning messages

Is there any chance you disabled the security center yourself?What antivirus do you have?

2007-10-17, 08:53
Thanks for that reply, Zenobia. I know that I did not disable the Windows Security center, but I wonder how I can check this? As for my anti virus software, I am running Norton AntiVirus 2007 that I keep completely up to date. Also, I have run NAV, Trend Micro, Spybot, and Windows Safety Scanner scans of my computer, and none of them showed any viruses or malware. But it's still strange why my Security center should be disabled?!

2007-10-17, 09:15
It's possible Norton may have disabled the Security Center.

2007-10-17, 09:30
Now that you mention it, I seem to remember something about Norton AntiVirus disabling the Security Center when I first installed NAV. So you may be onto something there.

I did go to the Security Center, and see this message there:

The Security Center is currently unavailable because the Security Center service has not started or was stopped. Please close this window, restart the computer (or start the "Security Center" service), and then open the Security Center again.

I went through all those steps, but it didn't change anything.

2007-10-17, 11:10
Yes,sometimes Norton Internet Security disables windows Security Center,because Norton has it's own security center.

You could tell Spybot to ignore that if you wish,following the instructions in this link:

In order to do so, please right-click each in turn, then click Exclude this detection from further searches. That way, should any other part of security center settings change, Spybot-S&D will still detect those. The same is true if you have another security solution installed (like McAfee Security Center or Norton Internet Security). These programs disable announcements of Window Security Center in order to signal things by themselves.

Or,if you prefer to turn windows Security Center back on,post back,and I can help you find how to do that through Norton.

2007-10-17, 16:34
Thanks so much, Zenobia - you've been absolutely great with your help.

In your opinion, is the Norton security sufficient, or should I rather turn on my computer's (Windows) Security Center?

2007-10-18, 06:55
You're welcome. :)
Well,I think if you were to get warning messages from both Norton's and Windows' Security Center,it might be a bit hectic.Though you certainly could have both on,if that's what you prefer.
If you would prefer to have both security centers turned on,I think these instructions should help.(I think they still hold true,though I haven't had Norton for awhile now.) :

Open Norton,look for Options located up top->Norton Protection Center->checkmark the option to Show messages from Windows Security Center,then apply all settings.

2007-10-18, 07:13
Thanks again, Zenobia. I think I'll leave things as is for now.

2007-10-18, 08:03
You're welcome. :greeting: