View Full Version : Have to start twice

2007-10-17, 16:56
Good Day to all you nice forum folk:
I have a couple of questions, neither of which is earth shattering, but they have piqued my curiosity.
1. When I try to open Spybot-S&D from my desktop (first thing each day) I right click the icon, allow it to open as an administrator (I'm running Vista) and wait. Nothing happens even after a 2-3 minute wait. I repeat the process and away it goes after the normal 10-15 seconds. If I don't wait the 2-3 minutes but repeat the startup processes one after the other quickly, I get it in the 10-15 second period. Does this have something to do with the blindman.exe? Like I say...no big deal. Vista seems to have a few little quirks that require a an extra step or two. (no complaints against Vista either. I find it to be the best O/S Microsoft has put out since the original DOS and with over a million lines of code there is bound to be an anomaly or two.)
2. About two weeks ago I decided to give Firefox a try. When I downloaded the application Spybot-S&D lit up like a Christmas tree with warnings that a malicious spyware was trying to get in. I immediately dumped Firefox...in a choice between your product and theirs, Firefox loses. I had the immunizer activated at the time. Again, no biggie...I can live without Firefox, but I see that you list it as a compatible application. Is this just another poutty response on the part of Vista?
Best Regards one and all.

2007-10-17, 16:59

We already have located the startup problems in Spybot S&D version 1.5 and fixed it:
Here is the download file for the fix - the new Spybot beta:

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-10-17, 17:26
I just downloaded and ran the beta to repair the slow load but I can't load the update. I get "An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file. Deletefile failed' code 5
Access denied". Had to abort.

2007-10-17, 17:45

Do you use other security software that can block the registry?
Perhaps something like XP Antispy?
Do you have the rights to install anything on your pc?
Does your system have more than one administrator and did you try to install it on your system administrator account?

At first please uninstall your Spybot version and make a fresh installation.
During the installation wizard please do not choose search for updates.
This should help to get Spybot running.

Further please have a look at the registry key that comes along with the error message.
Perhaps this key is already used in your registry.
You can delete it with regedit.
This action is described on this page:
Hope this helps.

This item has also been discussed in our forum:

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-10-17, 17:56
Even though I couldn't load the beta properly, the problem was repaired. Program now loads normally. Should I go back and use your suggestions or leave well enough alone? I sort of like "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."