View Full Version : spybot 1.5 problems

2007-10-21, 03:13
thankyou developers for your time and effort creating spybot!!....but u might have :"fixxed it till' its broke"..on the 1.5 version?

after removing 1.4 and installing new 1.5....somthing isnt working right?..(xp-sp2)

1. 1.5 takes extremely long time to do any tasks(startup,scan,updates..etc) w/occasional hangups.
2.after long scans 1.5 seems to never find anything! always system clean.....even when i know theres stuff on my pc..it never detects it?..(have current updates).
3.by uninstalling 1.5 and re-installing 1.4....it runs smooth and fast ...and detects everything??.......

i love this program, and have used it for years!!!

please dont fixx it if it aint broke...:)

less is better ..im not a big fan of CARTOONY GRAPHICAL INTERFACES...like the new vista is!yuuuuckkk

2007-10-21, 12:08

Please, read through the list of topics first, it has all been discussed!

Beta test version for this issue:
SpybotSD.exe at <SpybotSD.exe->



md usa spybot fan
2007-10-21, 16:19

1. 1.5 takes extremely long time to do any tasks(startup,scan,updates..etc) w/occasional hangups.
The problem with Spybot 1.5 starting slowly has been found and fixed. See the following tracking task (which includes a link for a fix to the problem):
Find out about delayed user interface startup
In addition there is another beta version of Spybot 1.5 that solves the slow start as well as other known problems that have been encountered since the original release of Spybot 1.5:
Helloween Edition - beta 1
As far a taking a "extremely long time" to scan and update as well as "w/occasional hangups", you'll have to provide additional details.

2.after long scans 1.5 seems to never find anything! always system clean.....even when i know theres stuff on my pc..it never detects it?..(have current updates).
3.by uninstalling 1.5 and re-installing 1.4....it runs smooth and fast ...and detects everything??.......
If you could provide a log of the detections that are being picked up in Spybot 1.4 but not in Spybot 1.5 it would be helpful. To do that:
Run another scan (in Spybot 1.4).
When the scan completes, right click on the results list, select "Copy results to clipboard".
Then paste (Ctrl+V) those results to a new post in this thread.