View Full Version : Spybot-Immunize-Firefox, shows duplicates

2007-10-29, 00:39

Let's hope I can explain this clearly so it makes sense.

I just upgraded to on both my laptop & desktop. Under "Immunize" on my desktop, it shows duplicates for Firefox, ie:

default (Cookies)
default (Cookies)
default (Images)
Default (Images)
default (Installations)
default (Installations)
default (Popups)
default (Popups)

Notice duplicates of each category. And it doesn't indicate my profile # as it does for my laptop below, it just shows default.

Whereas my laptop shows only one category for each and indicates my profile # as follows:

qh1sx..........default (Cookies)
qh1sx..........default (Images)
qh1sx..........default (Installations)
qh1sx..........default (Popups)

My laptop looks to be registering correctly for Firefox "Immunize" with Spybot, but it's not only picking up two profiles under my desktop but also not picking up my profile # under either of the duplicates listed.

I've checked under my Documents & Settings\MyName\ApplicationData\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ my profile #...and there is only one profile on my desktop under this heading in Windows Explorer.

If anyone understands what I'm trying to ask and has any answers, please respond. Appreciate it.

Other than this perplexing problem, the new version seems to be working fine and upgraded perfectly. No other issues other than a few things I don't understand what they are for & how they work (& never did before either), but for now let's deal with this one question.

Thanks for any answers you can provide.


2007-10-29, 08:45
You could search the whole application data folder for "prefs.js", which is the major config file for Firefox and its presence is used tor recognize (well, in the proper places) a Firefox installation.

The name is taken from Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini and/or Mozilla\registry.dat (both in application data). The later was used by very old Firefox versions and might still be used by Mozilla (the big package).

So I would suspect either a folder from an old Mozilla installation, or from a Firefox 1.0 version, could that be a possibility?

2007-11-01, 19:32
I have the same problem of duplicate entries: that is to say when I run the program under normal user rights, I see only one entry; when I run S&D in the same account with administrator rights, I now even see three entries per item (was two at first). Also, only under this account, Firefox is really slow... even in safe mode. Might there be a connection?

I am running version 1.5, under Windows Vista 32-bit. Most recent version of Firefox. I do have extensions installed under firefox; but this specific account only has a few of them (all of which are also installed under other accounts). There is only one Firefox profile for this user, with only one prefs.js file. Firefox 2.0.0.x is the only version being installed on this PC (next to other Mozilla apps, like Thunderbird and Kompozer, which are also installed under the other accounts).

Planning to re-install using the new beta, as I also experience the slow startup of S&D; might this also solve this problem?

2007-11-03, 05:11

Thanks for your response, but like I said previously, I only have one Mozilla Firefox profile under Documents &Settings\MyName\ApplicationData\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ my profile #. I went into my registry (regedit) and found references to older versions than and removed them. I then re-ran Spybot Immunize and it still comes up with duplicates as I mentioned before. I'm still showing the duplicates & it's still not showing my profile # as it does properly under my laptop.

Everything is working so I probably shouldn't worry, but it just bothers me when things don't look right.

I've noticed another problem tonight under Immunize. Both my laptop & desktop refuse to TOTALLY Immunize. No matter how long I let it run, I'm left with 54 "unprotected" on my laptop & 72 left "unprotected" under my desktop, but I'll post this as a separate problem.

Thanks again for trying to help me...


2007-11-04, 17:28
About your profile problem: on my system (WinXPSP2) with Firefox currently, my profile is ...\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\default.xxx. What I wonder is this: in your Firefox\Profiles folder is there a "default" entry as well as "yourown" entry? (actually the OP indicates otherwise) It might be that SSD is trying to immunize things for both accounts and somehow these duplicate the Immunize stuff. On the other hand, perhaps there is a "stray" reference to "default" in the Registry that makes SSD think there are two profiles and decide to immunize both of them. Finally, you can just leave all the Firefox immunization lines unchecked
except the "cookies" ones (and maybe even those!) since the sites are listed in the Hosts file [Global (Hosts) in the SSD list] as well. See several posts in this forum about this!

2007-12-30, 03:32
Thank you to those trying to help me. From the various suggestions, I've managed to take it from duplicate defaults as follows:

default (Cookies)
default (Cookies)
default (Images)
Default (Images)
default (Installations)
default (Installations)
default (Popups)
default (Popups)

to this...(still includes one default set, but now it actually includes my actual profile set)

default (Cookies)
default (Images)
default (Installations)
default (Popups)
nh5......default (Cookies)
nh5......default (Images)
nh5......default (Installations)
nh5......default Popups)

So now I don't have duplicate default sets, but I am still left with one "default" set AND my actual profile set. This still differs from my laptop which only shows under immunizing one single "qh1sx......default set under each category.

Once again, under C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\nh5......default there is only this one profile listed.

Please help me get rid of the "default" profile coming up under Spybot Immunize. It should only be showing my one "nh5.....default" profile. Basically, I shouldn't have any plain "default" set. It should only show my profile (nh5......default) as it does on my laptop with "qh1sx......default".

I sure hope those in the know can follow what I'm saying here.

Thanks again,

2008-08-15, 15:13
The answer and procedure to clear this issue is under the
following link;


Still have duplicate entries but all are immunized.

Thank You SB Team!!!

2008-11-05, 17:44
I was able to correct this issue by deleting any mozilla firefox profiles under all other windows user profiles. As it turns out I had launched firefox as the local admin. This profile was causing the issues.

I hope this helps others. Let me know. :)