View Full Version : Help Needed! with clearing Smitfraud-C and Zlob.downloader.vcd

2007-11-01, 16:34
I have been working on trying to clear the above mentioned infections for 3 weeks. Of course I need my computer for work and would just try to ignore the pesky pop ups and browser adds but things got out of hand. I was running a very old version of Symantec corporate anti virus when I was first infected. I have since upgraded to the Symantec Endpoint protection. Symantec found the infection a few times, then it would say things were fine but they weren't. I switched from using IE to using Firefox, no more pop-ups and no more browser adds. I was doing this with system restore turned off as I was asked to do by Symantec support. My system finally started to become busy and sluggish and thats when I got pissed. I used Spybot S&D and each time I booted-up it would find some infections usually registry key entries. So I followed the steps listed in the "Before You Post" post. Now things seem o.k., but I cannot run Hijackthis. I did save the Kaspersky log and will post this. Should I try something else to give you a log that will finally show that these things are gone? Help is greatly appreciated.

2007-11-01, 16:41
I tried posting the log but it is very long and would be better to attach if needed.
Thanks in advance.

2007-11-05, 10:05
Hi demented

Try to run HijackThis in safe mode, please :)

2007-11-12, 09:30
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