View Full Version : Spybot Not Working???

2007-11-06, 11:29
While running previous version of Spybot last week, I got an error message, scan aborted by user. So I re-ran it and it came back congratulations no spyware found.

Now I am an avid surfer, I know I have spyware, I use Yahoo Anti-Spyware, and it found spyware, it also found something named IST toolbar.

I downloaded the latest version of Spybot, ran it, and again it said Congratulations - again I ran yahoo and it found spyware. Even tried reinstalling previous version but no joy?

I run AVG every morning, so I don't think I have a virus. I have uninstalled and reinstalled spybot, 5 times, cleaning out the registry, etc.... it still says no spyware found?

Don't know what else to do or where to look, Spybot has been very faithful in finding spyware what could have happened????

It appears when the scan aborted by user error message came up is when it stopped functioning correctly?? I didn't abort anything wasn't near the computer when that happened. So I just don't know??

Can anyone help?

2007-11-06, 12:26

We recommend a fresh install of Spybot - Search & Destroy.

Please uninstall Spybot - Search & Destroy according to the following link: http://www.safer-networking.org/en/howto/uninstall.html
Then make a fresh install of Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.5.
You will find links to several download locations on our website:

You will also have to update your new version using the integrated updater.
This should solve the problem.

More informations about this problem is availible in our forum:

* SB Automatically "User Aborts"
* Spybot Scan aborts itself
* scan aborted by user
* Scan aborted ny S&D with no input, please HELP
* User Abort
* Scan aborts prematurely

Best Regards
Team Spybot