View Full Version : Can´t update & uninstall spybot 1.4

Question of Time
2007-11-09, 17:17
Hi !

I don´t have any idea why I can´t update spybot 1.4 anymore. Since I first used spybot, I never experienced any problems. But now I am receiving several strange failure notices like :

Failed to load ZIPDLL.DLL
Failed to load UNZDLL.DLL

The external update application has been corrupted.
Please make sure you download the "Updater" update to replace it !

The external "Blindman" application has been corrupted. Please use the update function to get it again !

Then it looks like everything is ok, spybot loads updates e.g. german language, showing a green hook
but spybot is still in English.Trying to update always causes notices mentioned above.

Altough I tried to : uninstall spybot with his own
routine & via XP-Software

uninstall it with 5 different special
Uninstall Tools like Total Uninstall
Revo Uninstaller UninstallAbility
Zsoft Uninstall

But all of them don´t even find spybot. I can´t use and uninstall spybot.

As we say in Germany : I am at the end of my Latin.

Thanx in advance

Question of Time

2007-11-10, 01:06

Sie sind also mit Ihrem Latein am Ende *g*.

Ich würde eine Neuinstallation von Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.5 empfehlen.
Bitte deinstallieren Sie zuerst die alte Version von Spybot - Search & Destroy.
Sie können Spybot-S&D gemäss der folgenden Beschreibung vollständig von ihrem System entfernen: http://www.safer-networking.org/de/howto/uninstall.html
Dann laden Sie sich Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.5 herunter:
Das müsste das Problem beheben.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Team Spybot