View Full Version : Uninstall removes other program files

Dave in Wales
2007-11-11, 02:01
Hi, my first post after 3 years of trouble free Spybot use (thanks!);

This evening, on an unrelated site, I chanced upon the news that there's a new version (1.5) available (which begs the question why not notify users when they update definitions etc?). I downloaded 1.5, looked for instructions on whether or not to uninstall 1.4 first, but couldn't find an answer, so I tried not removing it. I was surprised the install acted like a new install, no reference (that I remember) to existing files. Also, my desktop shortcut seemed ver slow to open Spybot.
So - I figured I'd done wrong. I decided to go for a clean install, which obviously meant uninstalling first. I closed S&D Resident (on the system tray), then used the Start menu to select Spybot>Uninstall.
Fine, except after the restart I had 5 windows open with the news that files for other were missing.
I'm afraid I can't remember exactly the details, but they appeared to be initial setup dll's for programs I'd previously unticked in the System Start Up tool of Spybot. The programs included Adobe Reader, and that infectious Quick Time (which likes to help itself back to priveliged status every time it's called upon, as I'm sure you know).
So it would appear that Spybot had taken away more than its own files, and my best guess was that it related to my use of the System Start Up tool.
What to do? Well, I tried a Windows System Restore, to a routine checkpoint from earlier in the day, and to my surprise all seems well. Spybot 1.4 is working again (I had no idea that all these program files would be saved), no warning windows regarding the missing dll's, and of course no Spybot 1.5.

So, I'm back at square one. I have, since then, used a bit more imagination in my forum search and a reference to the question of whether or not to uninstall 1.4 before installing 1.5. The responses were mixed, but the general thought seemed that it would be better practice.
That leaves me in a dilemma, of course.

Now even if I avoid uninstalling this time, I want to have the option in the future of course, without damaging other programs.
Any advice please?
Is it a known issue?


Dave in Wales
2007-11-11, 13:34
Just been looking for clues, and had my memory jogged.
The missing files were lnk extensions, not dll's.

The programs were Adobe Reader, Adobe Gamma, Intervideo, Nkb, and Qicktime.

Reading up on lnk files from a google search, I find they're described as shortcut files, and;
"If the LNK file is a shortcut to a program (.EXE file), it can contain attributes to define how the program runs; to set the attributes, right-click the shortcut file, select "Properties," and modify the Target Field. LNK file icons typically include a small curled arrow to indicate that the file points to another location." according to http://www.fileinfo.net/extension/lnk
Also, according to Wikipedia, "They are commonly placed on the desktop, start menu, and taskbar of various operating systems, and may only work from the GUI and not from the command line."

Why would Windows raise an objection to a missing link right from startup, before I'd tried to click on any shortcut? Would it be because these are programs which try to get up & running in my "Quick Launch" tray? 4 of them have had the intervention of Spybot's "System Startup" tool to prevent them starting, but I let Adobe Gamma start, so there's no consistency here.

So what I need to find out is whether I can simply ignore the Windows warnings, or whether I need to take some reparatory action?

In addition, if anyone could enlighten me with some background to the issue I'd be very grateful.

2007-11-11, 15:31
I'm a retired computer tech in the US.
I still maintain hundreds of home PC's and I do share Spybot S&D with all my customers.
(and I encourage every one of them to Donate)

I've been installing the new ver of Spybot by uninstalling the old ver first. I've experienced NO ill effects to anything else on the PC during the process.

I give my customers a full page of type-written instructions on how to update and scan with Spybot.
The new version is just enough different than ver 1.4 that it can be very confusing to the "Old Folks".

Also I have to tell them to click the desktop icon for Spybot and then sit back and wait. Don't keep clicking it because you think it's not working. Even on my own PC, that I consider 'State of the Art' , it may take 30 to 40 seconds for anything to appear either on the screen or in the task bar. I do hear the Floppy Drive growling at me, being accessed by the program, but there is no other indication that the program is even running till the Loading Worm starts crawling across the screen.

Not being a programmer, I don't understand the big delay. Old ver 1.4 and previous versions, popped up on my screen rather quickly. It would sure be nice if there were 'something' to let me and others, know that the program is actually opening.

My thanks go out to the "Spybot staff" for breaking up the weekly updates into "modules" to make for much quicker downloads.

This is my first post on this forum, so I want to be very clear that I love Spybot S&D. I make that fact very clear in my posts about it on the other technical forums that I work. (18 actually)

I'm sorry if I've been NO help to you. I just wanted to let you know that of the many times I've installed the new Spybot S&D version 1.5, I've not experienced any of the problems you've mentioned.

Cheers Mate!
The Doctor :cool:

Dave in Wales
2007-11-12, 22:35
Thanks Dr Who, it's good to hear from you in spite of not being able to explain what happened. I caught up with more of your posts and learned about the beta 1.5.17
Would be tempted to use it, but I'm disinclined to try until I know I can safely uninstall 1.4

As a side issue of my problem, having explored these forums has opened my eyes to all the dedicated work going on - amazing.

But I would still love some unravelling of the mystery, so I'm hoping that after a few days someone knowledgeable might catch sight of my question.


Dave in Wales
2007-11-17, 03:00
Hi, it's been almost a week, and I don't know what forum protocol is but I realise that if I don't post somehow, my question will be lost forever. Hope it's OK then to write a reminder.

So again, I'd like to ask please whether anyone can offer any explanation of how the lnk files from various other programs were removed when I uninstalled Spybot?

2007-11-17, 09:43
Hi Dave,

You did get a response - from DrWhoFL. If you don't get a response from a moderator this time then my apologises.

You don't say which operating system you are using. I'm guessing XP since you mention restore points. It is not easy for folks to give a detailed reply when you supply so few details.

When I uninstalled SpyBot 1.4 I looked all round the GUI at what I had used it to do and undid everything with intention of re-doing it under 1.5. I remember, good grief, I'm not sure what all these things are. I didn't use it to disable anything at startup. :red:

In general (i.e. without being able to watch over your shoulder), I've moved .lnk files out of the Startup folder to stop things starting up and subsequently upgraded or removed programs so that these links don't point to anything any more. If those links are moved again into the Startup folder then I would expects complaints next reboot.

I suggest you try undoing the Startup changes under SpyBot 1.4 and see what happens (without uninstalling it). ;)

I use autoruns from sysinternals.com to fiddle with system startup. The guy that wrote this is so good that Microsoft themselves bought him.

If you don't want things running it is best to look round the application first to see if there is an option that allows you to turn them off. Not all of them do and some even manage to reinstall themselves even after being disabled with SpyBot or autoruns.

I see two solutions.

One is use something like the Program Guard from Online Armour that stops unwanted programs running in real time and it remembers your choices. However, I'm not yet convinced that it is not fighting with SpyBot.

The other is to look for alternative software. I've got Foxit instead of Adobe reader - it's 1.5 Mb instead 150 or whatever, starts up quick, does not 'dial out' every time it is run etc. etc. Sumatra PDF in another alternative PDF reader.

From codecs.com I got alternatives to QuickTime and RealPlayer that are much smaller, have all the browser plugins, don't have the old nasties and don't seem to have any of the new nasties.

For playing DVDs I got rid of Intervideo years ago and I now use VLC, another community project.

You might want to checkout the s/w listed on theopendisc.com. :lip:

As for SpyBot 1.5. Use the latest beta (.17) if you are in a hurry to upgrade otherwise wait. Most people seem very pleased with it. :) I still have a couple of problems.

Myself I download programs once and roll-them out onto several machines. I keep the installers and when a major new versions comes out, as with SpyBot 1.5, I don't immediately delete the previous one. That way I can, if I need to, uninstall the new version and reinstall the old one. :bigthumb:

2007-11-25, 15:30
Ok, I've been running 1.4 forever,never had any problems.From what I read the views are mixed on 1.5 Some real horror stories and others work smooth and fine. My question is,why do I even have to upgrade?I mean"if it ain't broke,why fix it?"

I use firefox browser,adblock plus,spywareblaster,CA anti-virus.This is what I have installed on a Toshiba laptop with Vista.My point is, I've experienced virtually no problems at all since I bought this 6 months ago...so I feel I should just leave well enough alone. Or should I perhaps wait till 1.4 is no longer supported?

Thanks in advance