View Full Version : RunOnceEx

2007-11-15, 16:50
Hi to all the good people at spybot and thank you for making such a useful product available.

My question is this.
Is the following entry in a spybot Startup log any cause for alarm?

"Located: HK_LM:RunOnceEx,
size: 0
MD5: D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E
Warning: if the file is actually larger than 0 bytes,
the checksum could not be properly calculated!"

Sysinfo.org (Paul Collins aka Pacman) states that this is "Identified as the DELF.LF by Ewido Security Suite".

This would be something of a surprise to say the least as my PC has always been protected by Symantec's products (NAV and now NIS).

If this is a problem, how should I set about removing the offending file(s)?
Many thanks,

md usa spybot fan
2007-11-25, 21:21

It appears to me that there is a bad entry in the following registry key or a problem with the format of the registry key itself:

According to the listing you provided, the registry entry has neither a name nor a command (data).