View Full Version : spybot and firefox not playing well

2007-11-18, 02:08
After immunizing in spybot, firefox in the exceptions for installing addons has all these websites in the list that are blocked. I know that spybot adds those websites in so that firefox knows not to let any addons be added from those websites. However, when trying to install any new addons, I get the bar that says at the top of firefox-firefox prevented this site from installing addons, and you have to click the button to bring the exception box and add the website in. However, when clicking that button now, firefox freezes, and i get a stop script-continue script button. I click stop script and then the box comes up but it hangs again. In order to fix the issue i removed all the sites in the list that spybot put in there from the immunization. Then the issue still occurs with the script error, but it doesn't freeze firefox completely. I am wondering if this is an issue with spybot, or a issue with firefox? It also in immunizing firefox, causes all the websites i had put allow in there before, to not be in the list. For example, the one that is always in there addons.firefox.com or whatever, to add addons from the official firefox site, is not in the list. I have to add it manually. Which is odd, because when you install firefox, there addon website is already in the list as default. So, i am not sure if this is a firefox issue or a Spybot issue, however this occurs i have noticed after immunizing firefox. Any help or someone looking into this issue would be greatly appreciated. I have updated spybot to the recent definitions and updates. Don't hesitate to ask me any questions. Thanks again forums!

2007-11-18, 03:51

After immunizing in spybot, firefox in the exceptions for installing addons has all these websites in the list that are blocked.
You can "undo" these immunizations.
First remove all hooks of Firefox (FF) immunizations. If you want only undo "installations" (exeptions for installing addons), than set a hook here in all profiles.
Then click "undo" at the top of the spybot window.
It will take some time. If it is ready, click at the right side at Immunization, now should be the Immunisation of "Installations" away.

I have removed the Immunizations of "installations" and "Pop Ups" , but have "Cookies" and "Immages" immunized :bigthumb:
Thats my oppinion;)
I hope,I could help you.:)
Please dont worry about my english, I hope its right so:D:
Win XP SP 2, Firefox 1.5. and

2007-11-18, 03:57
And yes i have done that, ;) but it should not cause this problem of freezing firefox and such in the first place. thats why i am wondering if this is a bug of some type. I have the latest update of firefox. Thanks for the help i appreciate it.

2007-11-18, 04:15
And yes i have done that, but it should not cause this problem of freezing firefox and such in the first place. thats why i am wondering if this is a bug of some type.
Ok, I suspected so. I dont think it is an issue of spybot.;) But i am not a professionell :D:
I think , you took a look at the firefox forum:)


2007-11-18, 04:21
but this issue deals with spybot so i hope that a admin on here looks at it. thanks for the quick response :)

2007-11-19, 01:42
The reason for Firefox "freezing" when it tries to open the Exceptions list for Installations, Images, Popups is an SSD issue primarily. SSD adds a large number of sites [7500 at the moment] to each of those three lists; it adds only 174 to the Cookies list. [If one uses SpywareBlaster, the Cookies list gets 169 others.] This means that there are 45343 sites in the Firefox file hostperm.1; when the file is opened, Firefox must read it all and alphabetize it before offering it to the user. Firefox could in principle help by splitting the one file into four. However, the 7500 sites mentioned above are also in the Hosts file and I personally do not see why that list is not sufficient. A site in Hosts redirected to the loop-back address ought not to be able to download malicious Firefox add-ons!

While it sounds nice for SSD to immunize Firefox, I don't think the method used is well thought out. So I use only the Cookies part.

2007-11-19, 01:52
hopefully spybot will release another update to fix this issue. Also, i hope these updates (when there out of beta form, like the update for the slow loading of spybot for example.) can be downloaded directly from the spybot program. I will continue to remove all the sites from the list so the box wont freeze. :) oh well, spybot is still a great application, i will give it that. :) and i am deeply grateful for the forums :bigthumb:

2007-11-19, 10:47
Well, immunizing Firefox was a much-wished-for feature. Some can't do very well with it, can't do without it ;-)

"Immunization" is kind of defined as supplying browsers with blocking information in a way that does not need the providing application to be running at the same time. And the hostperm file is only method this can be done with a pure Firefox installation.

So from a technical perspective, this is the only method we can use. Regarding "well thought out", I think Firefox could be improved for better handling if this block list - even if it has 45000 entries, that's not something that should be noticable. What I suspect is that Firefox uses a linear search algorithm to compare domains against this list. I think I've written elsewhere that a nice implementation of a trie algorithm, e.g. Aho-Corasick, would make this lookups unnoticable in terms of used time.

As to why the hosts file is not sufficient: user preferences and multiple layers of protection ;)
Some users don't like the hosts file because it may slow down the system even more, for example. Some malware removes entries from the hosts files, but does not remove entries from all layers of protection if there are multiple ones.

2007-11-19, 16:13
The reason for Firefox "freezing" when it tries to open the Exceptions list for Installations, Images, Popups is an SSD issue primarily.

If I open these exeption lists, my Firefox( Vers. 1.5 and Vers.2) need only a few seconds to open, but it did not freeze :) But I have also change some immunizations, I do not immunizise "Addons" and "Installation". My Firefox works good :)

Well, immunizing Firefox was a much-wished-for feature. Some can't do very well with it, can't do without it ;-)
I think so too:) So it is possible for everybody taking his preferences. You can everything immunisize or even not. I think this is a great possibility :bigthumb:
I hope you can understand my Thread, because my english is not so good:D:


WIN XP SP 2; Spybot

2007-11-19, 18:34
but i still do not understand why my firefox freezes and everything? suggestions? does firefox need to fix this issue or does spybot? i don't understand why firefox freezes as i have stated above. Also, how would i keep that huge list out of firefox for asking for add ons-meaning since firefox asks for sites anyways (to add add ons i mean), how do i keep it so that when i immunize firefox it doesn't put all those sites in the list and freeze it? but have it protect firefox with all the other ways? thanks. I want spybot to protect firefox, but not freeze it lol. any suggestions? or did i already miss the solution? I don't use SpywareBlaster, and i haven't checked to see if the cookies box freezes when i try to open it. So should I not let spybot block (immunize) add ons? would that fix my freezing box problem? Also, can you provide directions so that i can stop spybot from immunizing certain features like that?
thanks :)

Well, immunizing Firefox was a much-wished-for feature. Some can't do very well with it, can't do without it ;-)

"Immunization" is kind of defined as supplying browsers with blocking information in a way that does not need the providing application to be running at the same time. And the hostperm file is only method this can be done with a pure Firefox installation.

So from a technical perspective, this is the only method we can use. Regarding "well thought out", I think Firefox could be improved for better handling if this block list - even if it has 45000 entries, that's not something that should be noticable. What I suspect is that Firefox uses a linear search algorithm to compare domains against this list. I think I've written elsewhere that a nice implementation of a trie algorithm, e.g. Aho-Corasick, would make this lookups unnoticable in terms of used time.

As to why the hosts file is not sufficient: user preferences and multiple layers of protection ;)
Some users don't like the hosts file because it may slow down the system even more, for example. Some malware removes entries from the hosts files, but does not remove entries from all layers of protection if there are multiple ones.

2007-11-21, 00:07
Suggestions? does firefox need to fix this issue or does spybot? i don't understand why firefox freezes as i have stated above. Also, how would i keep that huge list out of firefox for asking for add ons-meaning since firefox asks for sites anyways (to add add ons i mean), how do i keep it so that when i immunize firefox it doesn't put all those sites in the list and freeze it? but have it protect firefox with all the other ways? thanks. I want spybot to protect firefox, but not freeze it lol. any suggestions? or did i already miss the solution? I don't use SpywareBlaster, and i haven't checked to see if the cookies box freezes when i try to open it. So should I not let spybot block (immunize) add ons? would that fix my freezing box problem? Also, can you provide directions so that i can stop spybot from immunizing certain features like that?

2007-11-21, 18:49
Wow . . . I was about to install version 1.5 and then I read this thread. :red:

Uh . . . perhaps I should wait before I install 1.5?

Is there a FAQ >>specific to FIREFOX somewhere?


2007-11-23, 23:02
how do i keep spybot from immunizing installations in firefox?

2007-11-24, 00:31
Hi big number,

No one has yet suggested to you what was suggested to me when I made a similar observation.

After immunisation you have a very large hosts file. This causes some Windows OSes to lock up (like you are seeing).

It isn't the program you think (Firefox) that is locking up. If you use Task Manager you will see that services.exe is hogging the CPU.

This, apparently, is a well know problem on this forum. Search for 'large hosts file' and you will find more information. You will be told to disable the DNS client service.

Is this your problem ? Try this. Immunise Firefox and don't immunise hosts. If performance is good then you have the large hosts file problem and need to disable DNS Client Services or host immunisation. Take your pick.

I agree with Pepi. Firefox is (most probably) not designed to handle very large hostperm.1 files. It is (most probably) designed to work with short white lists rather than long black lists. SpyBot uses a long black list approach. The two approaches are different, which, if either, is better depends on what are trying to do.

Also, I agree with Pepi that SpyBot is restricted because it can only change the way Firefox behaves through the files that Firefox uses. Firefox extensions change the way Firefox behaves through adding functionality, which is, inherently, much more powerful.

If Firefox is a superior browser it is not because it has nicer buttons. It is because it has a concept that allows folks to extend it do what they need it to do rather than what some marketing manager has decided to limit them to do.

The (poor) analogy a Swiss Army knife.

I love my Swiss Army knife because I can do most jobs with it and I can (usually) find it. I know I probably own a tool that will do a better job but I can't remember where I left it. :laugh:

Use SpyBot to protect Firefox if you want but don't blame the tool if it doesn't live up to expectations.

Use Firefox extensions and its like being able choose exactly which blades go into your own Swiss Army knife.

I know, decisions ... decisions ... no one ever said freedom wasn't scary. :sick:

2007-11-25, 02:24
that was very helpful!! thanks! :)