View Full Version : SpyBot will not load

2007-11-22, 02:55
I just installed SpyBot version and after installation whenever I click the shortcut (either on the desktop or in the Quick Launch bar) the program will not load. I get an hour glass for just a moment, but nothing. I have to go into the actual program folder and click the .exe file there, and even then it takes forever to load.

I'm wondering what the issue is with this? I did not have this problem with the previous version of SpyBot. I'm using a Windows XP Home machine, and I've tried deleting the shortcuts and creating new ones directly from the program execution file, but I still encounter the same problem.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

2007-11-22, 17:53
I have exactly the same problem! I run the program and it shows in Task Manager with about 70% memory usage, yet it doesnt load!

I wish Id stuck with 1.4 now.

How do we fix this?

2007-11-22, 19:28

We already have located the startup problems in Spybot S&D version 1.5 and fixed it:
Here is the download file for the fix - the new Spybot beta:

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-11-23, 00:34
Ive installed it and Im still having problems. It is stopping during a scan and is eating up my RAM like there is no tomorrow.

Sounds like 1.5 has a lot of work needed doing to it. Im gonna go back to 1.4 for now.

2007-11-27, 01:44
I installed Spy-Bot S&D version on two separate desktops and one laptop and all had the problem of not loading properly, as mentioned in previous postings.

I have reverted back to version 1.4 until the loading problems are fixed. Hopefully it will be soon.

2007-11-30, 22:37
Do any of the Spy-Bot guru's have any idea as to when this application loading problem will be resolved?

I assume the automatic upgrade is being withheld until such time as this issue is resolved.

md usa spybot fan
2007-11-30, 23:36

I installed Spy-Bot S&D version on two separate desktops and one laptop and all had the problem of not loading properly, as mentioned in previous postings.
Have you attempted to follow spybotsandra (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=5)'s advice in Post #3 (http://forums.spybot.info/showpost.php?p=138425&postcount=3) above and try an updated version of the program?

2007-12-01, 21:04
I read Postings 4 and 5 which indicated they had installed the fix (Beta Version) and were still having loading problems. Therefore I decided not to download and install the supposedly fix.

Are you now saying that the fix has resolved the loading problems?


2007-12-02, 13:07

There is already a new beta out:

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-12-02, 13:16
Hello All,
I too was having the same problem as other users mentioned here about either the slow startup or not starting at all of version 1.5 . Thank goodness they released this :
Here is the download file for the fix - the new Spybot beta:
Now I'm happy once again, it's no fun at all to try and use such GREAT software, if you can't even get it to launch properly. Thanks SO much !!
David ;)

2007-12-02, 23:40

There is already a new beta out:

Best regards
Team Spybot

ok, stupid me, but how do i apply the update (beta)?? i thought i would have to uninstall, then unzip the beta, but there is no way to do updates. do, i leave the program installed as/is, then unzip the beta, and copy that program to "C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy"??

http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=2076337457&size=o <-- my computer specs (vista)

thx, sos

2007-12-03, 11:24

Yes. Just install it over the existing version.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-12-03, 13:04
Hello All,
This note is mainly directed to sandra, but if anyone else has an answer it would be nice. I just installed this:

There is already a new beta out:

Best regards
Team Spybot
On two of my computers, on one of them I have ms windows vista home premium installed, and on the other I have ms windows xp home edition sp2 installed. I found it really strange that when I ran the exe. file on the vista computer, it gave me a choice of more options to be able to install than the windows xp computer did. Mainly the 'security' options. I just wonder why ?
David :rolleyes:

2007-12-03, 15:11
ok, thx sandra. i guess the confusion (on my part), was that i had d/l'd "SpybotSD.exe-" which is a zipped file. and i had seen your "beta 1 & 2", and didn't pay attention that they were .exe files. anyway beta 2 "helloween edition" :mad: reduced my startup time from about 45-50 seconds on my vista comp (duo core), to about 7-9 seconds. anyway, thx again, i'll pass on the info to others in my circle. - sos

oh, and i'm not mad, just thought i'd go with the helloween edition!! ;)