View Full Version : Adware.win32.Virtumonde / fccbywu.dll

2007-11-23, 01:00
I have so much crap on my computer that it takes 30 minutes to bootup!!!

I installed F-Secure and it took care of most of the problems but the software keeps on trying to delete this "Virtumonde":spider: and is saying that that file is in use and cannot delete it!

The file is located in: windows/system32/fccbynu.dll

I've tryed to boot in safe mode to delete it but no cigar!!!

Spybot can't delete it either.

XP Pro - SP2
I am running sfc right now but at the speed of the computer that may takes a few hours!!!

Any clue?

2007-11-23, 07:19

Which version of Spybot-S&D do you have, 1.5?

switch Spybot S&D into advanced mode
navigate to tools - view reports
check all boxes
click view report button to create the report
export the report to a textfile and send it via email to: detections(at)spybot.info (Replace AT with @)

A link back to this topic would be appreciated, so that we know who you are.

Please follow the procedure in this link:
"BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance) (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)
Skip the Spybot-S&D scan for now, but produce the HJT log and results of the on-line anti virus scan.

Then start your own thread in the Malware Removal Forum (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22) and copy paste those two logs there.

A helper will advise you when available. Regards.

2007-11-25, 21:47
As you asked I've started a new thread a few days ago but not getting any reply.

I also sent an email with subject: " Adware.win32.Virtumonde / fccbywu.dll " but no reply either.
Am I doing something wrong?

2007-11-27, 10:34

I asked you to send the report to detections so they could see the Virtumonde that wasn't being removed. ;)

As to the Malware removal forum, sorry for the wait. There are many people waiting for assistance and we just had a weekend and for some, Thanksgiving holiday.

Please see this sticky topic in that forum.
The Waiting Room: Post here if waiting for help longer than four days (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=37)

Best regards. :)