View Full Version : Spybot remaining in memory during silent run on x64 machines

2007-12-05, 01:39
I am running Spybot 1.5 silently on 64-bit XP and 64-bit Vista VMs. I am using the following command line arguments:

/taskbarhide /autoupdate /autoimmunize /autocheck /autofix /autoclose /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /SP- /allhives

It works perfectly on the 32-bit machines, but on the x64 machines the SpybotSD.exe *32 process keeps running forever and using all the system's processor power until I force it to end. Any ideas why this is?

2007-12-05, 09:57
I'm using scheduled scans on my x64 machines as well, no problem.

One thing I noticed immediately though: you mix installer command line parameters with main executable command line parameters ;)

I would also move the updating to a separate scheduled run of SDUpdate.exe.