View Full Version : Problems/questions after 1.5 update

el nemto
2007-12-08, 23:52
I've been using Spybot for years, and it's a great program. I recently uninstalled 1.4 and put 1.5 on my computer. It seems to work fine, except now it takes about thirty seconds before the loading bar pops up after executing the program, and then it still takes a long time to load afterwards. This never happened with any previous version. I can see this is a common, known issue by reading other threads - but is there any fix planned? I see there's a beta version, is it recommended to uninstall 1.5 and install the beta version to fix it?

Also, is the Secure Shredder gone? I really liked that feature.

Finally, for the HOSTS file immunizations, does it overwrite what's already in the HOSTS file, or does it just append new entries to the bottom?


2007-12-09, 02:13
Please see here re: the slow starting issue:

Secure shredder:

I don't immunize my hosts file,but I believe Spybot appends it's own entries to the bottom of your hosts file,within it's own comments,i.e.:
# Start of entries inserted by Spybot - Search & Destroy
bad sites listed here
# End of entries inserted by Spybot - Search & Destroy

el nemto
2007-12-09, 22:45
Thanks, the beta version seems to have fixed the problems - and I'm glad to see the secure shredder back and also as a standalone - I love this feature.

2007-12-09, 22:48
You're welcome. :)