View Full Version : Bad URL Blocker: "Always react this way" doesn't work

2007-12-10, 16:57
I'm another one to be annoyed by the "Doubleclick" dialog boxes in S&D's IE Bad URL Blocker which have obviously been discussed in other threads.

My problem, however, is with the "Always react this way" (i.e.: always deny) setting.

First, I had the configurations set to "Display dialog when blocking", which resulted in the dropdown menu and the "Allow" button disabled (which I found counter-intuitive: Why is there a clickable dialog box when there are no choices?), then I changed the configuration to "Ask for blocking confirmation", which activated the menu and button. But now, even if I set it to "Always react this way" and press "Deny", the dialogs will reappear on every reload of the page (even though I have the "Ignore parameters" checked).

Is seems that on every page load the Doubleclick URLs are slightly different (I see the list in the configuration tab getting longer), but shouldn't that be taken care of by the "Ignore parameters" setting?

Please note that I do NOT want to use "Block all bad pages silently", because in my experience such a setting results at undesireable side effects at times.

Sorry if this has already been discussed, as searching for "bad url" and "Always react this way" doesn't seem to be possible, so all I could do was some poking around.

2007-12-10, 17:00
That's exactly why this feature request (http://forums.spybot.info/project.php?issueid=136) was added :)

2007-12-10, 22:09
Oh, I see.
