View Full Version : Spybot 1.5 Won't Install

2007-12-17, 19:33
I've been trying to install SB 1.5 and I keep getting this box:


Hitting retry just keeps bringing the same box up. I tried shutting my firewall off (Zonealarm), but no difference.

The machine is an old Compaq Deskpro EN machine running Win 98 SE with:
Intel Pentium II, 450 MHz
384 MB (SDRAM)
ATI 3D Rage Pro (8 MB)

I've never had a problem on this machine with earlier versions of SB. Any clues? Thanks.

2007-12-18, 02:44
I kept getting that error when installing,too.
When setting up,try unchecking download updates immediately.Then,after you're set up,just check for updates,and download them.See if that works.