View Full Version : Kaspersky Internet Security issues: Horsesh**** or not?

2007-12-19, 16:04
I have been having issues with updates and Kaspersky Internet Security my primary line of defense.

Just got off the phone with them and the young lady told me:

"Spybot S&D and Windows Offender are not compatible with our Programs.
Therefore you need to delete both, for our program to work correctly."

I'd have to call BS on that unless someone here says otherwise.

The problems have all been on my docked piece of Dell Insriron 8200 @ 1.8gHX running XP Pro w/SP-2 and all updates.

Spybot flat finds things Kaspersky does not.

I might agree about Windows Offender: which never finds anything: but sca-rue her about Spybot unless there's another conflict I'm unaware of.

All 3) run just fine on my Desktop and always have from day 1 of installing Kaspersky.

What's the consensus here about those statements, please?

I am getting to the point of going back to typewriters and CRT TV's.

Technology is fine: IF It Works, and product intelligent support people can.

Opinions please?

Grouch-ie today. :mad:

2007-12-20, 18:37
not offender. anywaz, i have seen users use all these programs with no probs. did u try reinstalling the security software? (if u do, unplug u Internet until its completely installed again.)
Also, i don't see how 2 programs could affect another programs update service, maybe the program itself, but not its updater. are you on a router that its firewall might block it? recently update u routers firmware or anything? Also, since you said you have windows offender, which is defender but w/e, I'm assuming you have win XP sp2 or higher. when did you first experience the prob.?

2007-12-20, 19:38
When reading Kaspersky, I first though about this (http://www.heise-security.co.uk/news/100926/from/atom10) ;)

Would love to hear their arguments, after I had McAfee admit today that they actually had none (or better: no valid) at all for their "you need to uninstall".

2007-12-20, 19:41
I do not plan on un-installing either program.
I was only told by Kaspersky this was a potential problem within the last few days.

Has worked fine running all 5) at the same time.
-- Spybot Search and Destroy
-- Windows Defender (OFFender was intended as a joke, sorry)
-- AdAware SE 2006
-- Kaspersky Internet security versiion
-- Spyware Blaster (another pro-active defense program)

Yes I have a Netgear wireless router between all my connections: Model WGR614 (one of the first they sold): 128 bit encrypted (secured)

My 2) computers:

A) Windows XP Pro with SP-2 and updated regularly,
maximum ddr ram memory (2 x 1024 Crucial brand), Dell Inspiron Laptop Model 8200 running at 1.8gHZ (and)

B) Windows XP home with SP-2 updated regularly, Maximum ddr ram memory (4 X 1024 Crucial Brand), built by me (called a barebones here in the USA), running at 3.4 gHZ on an Intel socket 478 motherboard and CPU, 2) 150GB Western Digital Raptor HD's in a Raid array, mirrored.
A desktop in a Super Tower case with plenty of cooling.

I do NOT use Tea Timer.

I am not having any problems.
I just wanted to verify that Kaspersky's statements were right or not.

I personally would not do with-OUT SpyBot. ;)

Thanks for your reply!



2007-12-21, 02:49
Its a shame that usually paid for "Security" programs usually like to blame free programs for there mistakes if something goes wrong. anywaz, thats totally false. Thats like symantec (norton) when they told me to uninstall spybot and adaware, when i had a issue with there software. I told them no way, but then after the call i tried it to just prove i was right, and guess what? there software still sucked. lol.
PS: offender was a good joke, sry i didn't catch the joke at first haha. I think windows defender is a good program though, it does better w/ resident protection then the scanning part, so i use it for resident protection more then anything.....and hey its free, u cant complain.

2007-12-24, 03:16
Well, I got Hit with that one as well.

I dunno whether to criticize or sympathize.

To Kaspersky's credit they held your hand (if needed) to correct that.

Think Symantec would have been as generous? :eek:

Everyone makes mistakes when you update every hour/24/7/365.

All is forgiven as far as I'm concerned except seeing Symantec's products comparitively go to the dogs.

Whadda I know? :clown:

Happy Holidays everyone!

Less than grouchie :p: