View Full Version : spybot opens very slowly

2007-12-21, 23:49
hi i recentlly had my computer replaced so i had to download spybot again and now it takes over a min for it to open ive even tried right clicking and runnin as adminstrater and get same results pleasee help

2007-12-22, 16:24
If I am correct you are running spybot
This bug has been fixed, and the fix is included in the latest beta -

2007-12-22, 20:53
I've noticed that too. When you just start the program Spybot spikes to 100% for about a minute or two, no opening screen or anything.

Hey, with the beta that fixes this, is the slow Cancel fixed too? I've noticed with version 1.4 when it's doing a scan and you click Cancel, man it takes forever to stop. Meanwhile you see the status bar advancing to the next test a few times even though it's been canceled.

Any time frame when the beta will make it to release?

2007-12-22, 22:34

We already have located the startup problems in Spybot S&D version 1.5 and fixed it.
Here is the download file for the fix: the new Spybot Beta (http://www.spybotupdates.biz/files/beta/spybotsd15he-beta2.exe)

Best regards
Team Spybot