View Full Version : virtumonde + disk read error

2007-12-22, 17:40
I was infected with smithfruad. rebooting to safe mode and running Spybot 1.5 there cleared that out. however, now i have Virtumonde - and while Spybot always gets rid of it, it seems to reload itself almost immeadiatly.
I was using Teacup to block any registry change that didn't come from Spybot. In and amongst all of these issues i have restarted my computer probably 10 times more often that it is used to over the same time period.
Yesterday, i restarted my computer because Virtumonde was trying to run all this stuff, and i was going to do the 'safe mode' clean thing again. However, instead of booting, my computer said "A disk read error has occurred. Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to restart."

Since then, i have restarted my computer in various ways - i have hit the reset buttion, i have used ctrl-alt-delete, i have used the main power button, i have turned off power to the back (after main power button). I have gone into my case and cleaned out all the dust, and removed a piece of hardware that hasn't worked for over a year (my CD-R drive).
I have also tried to use my Windows XP disk to repair windows. When i force the boot system to boot from my DVD drive rather than from the hard disk, it tells me "System is searching for hardware something-or-other (don't remember what atm, can do it again if it's needed), please wait." Then it does nothing. The computer doesn't make any noise beyond what it makes just being on (IE, the same noise it makes when i let it sit at the 'disk read error' screen), and it never brings up another menu.

Does anyone have any clue what's happening here, and is it possible to save my computer?
I have updated Windows in the last 2 weeks, and i have never had a serious virus/malware problem before. If it helps, i believe that my original infection came from CuteOverload.com - they said they had been infected with a virus, and yesterday said that they had finally got it cleared out and to clear your cache if possible, which i did.
Is it even possible for Vitumonde to have this effect, or is it just two random occurrances that happened to happen at the same time?

2007-12-26, 13:12
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Happy Holidays:santa:

2008-01-04, 15:55
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