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detectionrules number of them?? Framedyn.dll


New member
Hello folks,

In genneral I'm quit pleased with Spybot, only lately I got a message by startup, this one Can't startup because can't find Framedyn.dll reinstall may solve the problem. Well did reinstall Spybot but the problem stays.
An other question is according the latest update there should be 35628 detectionrules??? I've updated yesterday and I've got 34681 detectionrules???
How come????
Hello jepe01,

This message can appear during the start of Spybot-S&D if you are using Windows XP and your path environment variable is corrupted. It will also happen with other applications and is NOT Spybot-S&D specific.
For example if you right-click My Computer and select properties. To fix it, follow these instructions:

1. Select "Run" from your Start menu, type "cmd" and press OK.

2. Type in the following line:
dir %systemroot%system32wbemframedyn.dll
If you receive the message "file not found", type in the following as well:
copy %systemroot%system32dllcacheframedyn.dll %systemroot%system32wbemframedyn.dll /y

3. Right-click your My Computer symbol (on your desktop), and press Properties. If the error does no longer appear, you're finished here, and Spybot-S&D should work again, too.

4. If it didn't work, type in
in the command line window. Then select "Run" again, but this time type in "regedit" and press OK.
In the Registry Editor application that will appear, navigate to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerEnvironment

5. See if the list at the right lists a value named Path. If it doesn't, choose Edit - New - Expandable String Value from the menu. Rename the "New Value #1" to "Path".

6. Double-click the Path value. The field that now appear lists some paths, separated by semicolons. See if you can find "%SystemRoot%System32wbem" somewhere in there; if not, add a semicolon followed by that text.

7. Restart your computer, and try again step 3.

8. If this does not help please have a look at this link:

9. Further you can download the file here:
Hello spybotnorma,

Well, I did everything you said.
framedyn.dll excists in:

if i type in cmd:
dir c:\windows\system32\wbem\framedyn.dll
YES, there it is
if i type in cmd:
dir %systemroot%system32wbemframedyn.dll
file not found

the path value looks ok, it has the frase system32wbem in it.

allso what you wrote about rightcick on my computer, it normally popups, without any faults or messages, the same with controlpanel, allso ok.

Up till now, I only get the message whem I'm starting Spybot, when I click on ok, Spybot starts, stocks for a second or two, and goes on. I can normally use the program, it scans as usually.

Would you be so kind to also answer my secend question about the number of detectionrules, as I wrote, yesterday I did an upgrade and on the spybot side is mentioned the number of 35628, and I've got an number of 34681.
When I search for updates the programs says there are no updates.
